Hmph, I didn't expect it, kid. My Vampire Art·Rock can strengthen the body three times. In addition to the increase in strength, even the body has reached the hardness of marble level!!


The hardness of marble is between level 3 and 5, which is difficult to cut even with a Nichirin sword.

But even if other parts of his body can be strengthened in this way, his neck, as a weak point, cannot be strengthened much.

The focus should still be on parts such as arms and legs.

Then try this... golden ripples!

Sighing softly, Xia Qing stepped forward again, and golden ripples like electric current crisscrossed the blade of his blade.

Three Types of Breath of Thunder·Gathering Mosquitoes into Thunder!!

It was the ultimate of speed and explosion. The dazzling golden sword light was like a chaotic lightning that surrounded the whole body of the wheel and slashed out quickly!

So fast--

At such a speed, even the windlass, as the second string, could hardly catch it, so he shouted loudly.

Blood Ghost Technique·Three Times Rock!!

Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding--! ! ! !

His body changed instantly at this moment, with irregular edges and corners appearing like rock textures. His figure suddenly rose to two meters, and his fists like boulders were smashing towards the surroundings at this moment!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The originally solid stone wall was knocked messy and flying by his fists, and for a while, sand and rocks flew, and smoke and dust billowed.

“It’s so annoying to drill in and out!!”

The windlass roared angrily, then opened his arms and spun like a top, and the surrounding smoke and dust were swept up by his tornado-like momentum.

There is a flaw!

Then, as the golden sword light flashed, it was cut tightly against Lulu's waist and abdomen, and the power of the ripples easily invaded.

Stab————! !

Blood splashed out, destroying the inside of the body of the ghost of the lower string.


The feeling was comparable to that of sunlight, which made Luzhu scream.

You guy ahhhh!!!!

Just as Xia Qing was preparing to pursue the victory and kill him directly with the One Type, a exclamation came from behind.

how come……!?

Yushiro, who was ordered by Zhu Shi to come here reluctantly and planned to help Xia Qing, had a look of disbelief after seeing the one-sided battle at this moment.

Are you really the lowest member of the Demon Slayer Squad???

Of course, I'm still far from the pillar level.

Xia checked the eight levels in front of him and found that they were indeed far from the pillar level.


Then, the man's screams gradually stopped, and blood continued to overflow from his mouth. All the organs inside had been destroyed by the ripples, and his combat power was greatly reduced.

Yushiro immediately became excited when he saw this scene and shouted immediately.

Quick, give this guy the final blow now!!!

Chapter 40 Think about it with your duodenum! (4/4)

Just when he was about to rush forward and take action, Xia Qing quickly stopped him from sending his head off.

Wait a minute, even if your combat power is greatly reduced, you won't be able to handle it, and...

And what?

Xia Qing raised her hand to block her, so she raised her face and looked up at him.

Don't you know it's taboo to steal other people's experience?!

Xia Qing said coldly.


Yushiro, who was interrupted from his thoughts by this sudden sentence, stood there blankly and stopped thinking.

Hmph, you were able to push me to this point... Kid, you succeeded in making me excited!!!

After hearing the conversation between Xia Qing and Yushiro, Lulu laughed as if he had heard some joke.

Don't you think I will die here so easily? I am so naive, so naive!!!

Hahahahaha, I still have one last trick I haven't tried yet!

A maniacal smile appeared on Lulu's middle-aged man's face, and he let out a wild laugh from his somewhat exaggerated mouth.

My Vampire Art·Rock can only strengthen the strength and physical hardness three times in a normal state, but if I use my full power, it can strengthen it six times!!

What!? Six times?!!

Before Xia Qing could say anything, Yushiro exclaimed out of shame.

Okay, okay, you go in first, don't yell here.

Xia Qing grabbed his clothes, turned him around and pushed him into the courtyard.

No, it can't be done. I promised Miss Jushi to come and help you!!


Let me tell you first, I'm not here just for you. It was Miss Zhushi who ordered me to--

Okay, okay, then just do your best and don't disrupt my fight.

Xia Qing waved his hand and interrupted his words directly.

Hmph, you won't end up well if you underestimate me!

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