ps2: Speaking of which, what kind of pattern is on Zhu Shi’s dress...

Chapter 38 The arrival of [Last String]! (2/4)

In the courtyard at night, except for the moonlight, there is no other light source.

After all, they only dared to come out to rescue people after night arrived, so they had just arrived here.

We have been hiding here and there for so many years, and we have managed to avoid being chased by you guys... Now, when you see this scene, you will only think it is our fault. Come on, draw your sword at me!!

The fingers of both hands extended out sharp claws, and even the teeth in the open mouth were as sharp as beasts. Scarlet eyes stared at Xia Qing.

The woman wearing a dark blue kimono with wisteria flowers on it also frowned slightly at this moment.

Yoshiro... stop talking.


After she said this, the young man immediately shut his mouth, but his hostile gaze still did not go away.

If you want to fight, please wait until we rescue this man.

After saying that, the woman squatted down without caring and began to explore the girl who fell on the ground.

It was a girl dressed up like a villager. At this moment, three wounds had been cut on her arm. Although it didn't look very deep, the wounds after being scratched by ghosts were as poisonous.

Fortunately, there seems to be no sign of turning into a ghost so far.

It seems like it was just an ordinary ghost.

She concluded this.

Come on, Yushiro, move her into the house.

Yes, Miss Jushi!

After hearing the woman's instructions, the young man immediately nodded in agreement with respect, then picked up the girl and walked into the house.

Zhu Shi, on the other hand, raised his head and looked up at Xia Qing, who was sitting on the wall and shaking his legs.

I'm sorry, I haven't announced my family name yet. My name is Zhu Shi, and the child just now is Yushiro. There must be some reason why you didn't take action immediately even after seeing us ghosts.


Xia Qing put her chin on her head and pretended to think.

He couldn't say that he was so calm just because he knew them.

Miss Zhushi, you are obviously a ghost, but you didn't go crazy after seeing a human being bleeding with blood. Instead, you wanted to treat it. This is the first time I have seen such a ghost, so I am very curious.

Xia Qing replied.

I see... In that case, would you like to come in and watch our work?

After hearing Xia Qing's answer, Zhu Shi's delicate and beautiful face showed a gentle smile at this moment, and invited Xia Qing.

In response, Xia Qing shook his head and then stood up directly.

Not yet, some troublesome guys... seem to want to come here to cause trouble.

Are they other ghosts——

Suddenly, the expression on Zhu Shi's face that was saying this suddenly froze, and he froze on the spot.

As a ghost, she has a special connection with other ghosts. When her kind approaches a certain distance, she will sense it immediately.

Judging from the Demon Slayer uniform currently worn by the boy standing on the wall, it is obvious that he is at the level of an ordinary member, and it is impossible to withstand the last demon among the Twelve Ghost Moons.

Even Zhu Shi herself had to escape because of this. Flustered and anxious, she quickly advised Xia Qing.

Oops, Mr. Ghost Hunter, run away quickly! Someone [Xiaxian] is here!

Hearing this, Xia Qing's expression was also stunned.

Lower string? Shouldn't it be upper string??


Regarding Xia Qing's subconscious question, Zhu Shi suddenly didn't know how to organize his words.

Twelve Ghost Moon-level ghosts are different from other ghosts. Even the lowest-ranked demons can kill ordinary ghosts instantly!

I've known this for a long time. Originally, I came here for the Twelve Ghost Moons.

Xia Qing's unhesitating answer made the woman's purple eyes suddenly widen, and she looked in disbelief at the young man who slowly grasped the handle of the knife and drew it.

In the past two hundred years, she has met many members of the Demon Slayer Corps, and some of them even had outstanding talents. However, in the end, they all ended up hating him either because of lack of strength or because they underestimated the enemy too much. In the hands of Xixianzhigui].

Could it be are a Class A ghost hunter...?

If you are a member of the A-level Demon Slayer Team, as long as you are talented enough, it is not impossible to fight against Shimotsuru. With the help of Tamashi and Yushirou, it may be possible to defeat Shitohurus.

Hmph, I'm not a Class A member.

Hearing this, the woman's purple pupils lit up with a gleam of light.

Could it be that……

Could it be that... you are...!?

The right arm holding the handle of the knife tightened slightly at this moment.


The golden blade reflected a dazzling light under the moonlight.

Xia Qing's voice reached the woman's ears at this moment.

I just reached the Ren level these days!!

Jushi: ?

You have the nerve to tell it! ? ? ?

Zhu Shi's mood was mixed at this moment, and she didn't know what to do.

You go in and rescue people first, Miss Zhushi, and leave the rest to me! By the way, my name is Xia Qing.

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