Chapter 34 My Wife Shanyi (3/4)

Because the girls were yearning for this bustling city, they deliberately stayed here for a day before leaving.

The whole journey can be regarded as traveling around mountains and rivers, admiring the scenery, while maintaining a balanced speed on the way back.

There was not too much stay on the road after that, and Xia Qing returned to [Taoshan] in just two days.

I originally thought that the first person I saw after returning home would be Kuwashima Jigoro, but instead I saw two teenagers who were a little younger than me... years, well, it seemed that they could be called teenagers.

One is a young man with black hair, blue eyes, thick eyebrows, and a magatama pendant and bracelet.

The other one is a boy with round eyebrows who looks a little timid, wearing a yellow haori with a triangular pattern and short and medium black hair.

Hello, senior brother!

Hearing their respectful addresses, Xia Qing's mood suddenly improved. The feeling of being addressed with respect was really comfortable.

Well, you must be Master's new disciples.

Yes, senior brother, my name is Zhuo Yue!

The black-haired young man immediately stood up straight and answered.

Another young man who was somewhat at a loss replied with a timid voice at this moment.

Well, well, senior brother, my name is my wife Zenitsu, you can just call me Zenitsu...

Looking at the two people who suddenly came here, Xia Qing nodded slightly and narrowed his eyes slightly when looking at Zhuo Yue.

By the way, how old are you this year?

Xia Qing asked.

Eleven years old.

Me, me too!

Xia Qing nodded.

I see... I'm here early, there are still many years to go...

Shanyi was puzzled when he heard Xia Qing's words.

Huh? What...?

Just as he was speaking out, Kuwashima Jigoro's stern voice came from behind Zenitsu.

Hey, you two! Why are you hanging around here without training?!

After hearing this voice, Gokaku and Zenitsu immediately stood up straight, one willingly, the other with a sad face and ran towards Kuwashima Jigoro.

Naturally, Kuwashima Cigoro also saw Xia Qing's figure, and his face suddenly lit up with joy. However, due to his image as a strict teacher, he ordered Gou Yue and my wife Zenitsu to run around the entire mountain before facing Xia Qing. come over.

Hahaha, you are indeed my apprentice. I have heard that you have solved a ghost that has superpowers, right?

Well, indeed, but it seems that his vampire technique is not offensive, maybe it is to control the flow of gas...

Being able to control all the smell of blood in a small room is definitely not something ordinary ghosts can do.

If the other party can prepare in advance, they can directly sprinkle poison or the like into the room and then control it. It is not too easy to kill humans.

In short, your level should have risen by now. If you can kill the superpower ghost, you should be able to rise to the level of [Ren].

haha, really……

Xia Qingqing laughed twice and didn't pay too much attention to this kind of thing.

At this moment--


Huh? Isn't that your kid's crow?

Kuwashima Jigoro looked up and saw that the pigeon that was flying towards Xia Qing, whether it was the snow-white feathers or the circle of black feathers on its neck, was the standard feature of Xia Qing's pigeon.

There's still a letter tied to my foot.

After hearing this, Xia Qing had already raised his left arm and let the pigeon ride on his arm. Then he reached out and took down the letter tied with a thread from the pigeon's feet, and then opened it to read.

The content of the letter is probably that I hope Xia Qing can get together for a while, and leave the names of Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Ninja.

These two sisters seem to be interested in you. Why don't you go get together with them? Maybe you can win it like this~

Kuwashima Jigoro, who usually maintained a stern expression, had an inexplicable smile at the moment. Seeing the old man's appearance, Xia Qing put the letter into his pocket expressionlessly, and then said.

You should continue to guide the junior brothers to exercise.

Hahaha, I don't want to talk about it yet, but I have also experienced what happened to you young people. I remember when I was Mingzhu, a lot of girls chased me... Hey, hey! Brat, You won’t even listen to what someone has to say!”

The old man on crutches was a little angry, and then he saw Zenitsu falling to the ground, and he rushed over with column-level speed.

Ah ah ah, grandpa, don't come over!!!

After seeing the old man behind him who was rushing toward him regardless of his age, Zenitsu ran wildly with a crying face, and actually had the faint momentum to catch up with Yue.

At this moment, Xia Qing has returned to Qinye's wooden house.

Welcome home!

The woman standing at the door smiled softly.

How are you?

Xia Qing asked.

Yesterday I went to the village to buy things. The villagers there were very kind and even gave me some cakes.

Is that so? Do you want me to take you out to play when I have time?

Kotonoha shook her head slightly and said.

No need, your work in the Demon Slayer Squad is so important, you can't let it be delayed because of me. Besides, I also hope to eliminate the ghosts as soon as possible.

Yeah, that's true... I will speed up the pace.

Xia Qing answered ambiguously.

After making tea for Xia Qing, Kotonoha knelt down across from the coffee table, resting her elbows on the table and watching Xia Qing drink tea.

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