Kibutsuji Muzan: Randomly selected +1

After reviewing the [Kill List] displayed on the panel one by one, Xia Qing rubbed his chin and began to think.

Are they alien ghosts? The hand ghosts I eliminated during the final selection sixteen days ago should be considered alien ghosts.

[Yes, the combat power level of hand ghosts has completely surpassed that of ordinary cannibal ghosts, so they are classified as alien ghosts. ]

Xia Qing nodded slightly, and then continued to speak.

By the way, system, about the Uchiha bloodline in the [Exchange List]——


The sound of the paper door being opened rang out, interrupting Xia Qing's thoughts.

We have prepared your tea, please take your time.

Ah...thank you.

After the young man placed the teapot and teacup on the small table, Xia Qing quickly thanked him.

No, no, the Demon Slayers once saved our family. It's our honor to be able to help you.

The young man replied with a smile.

Then, he glanced at the person who was greeted by his wife after opening the curtain outside the door and walking in.

You can rest here slowly, I'll go and receive the next one.

With that said, the young man walked out and thoughtfully closed the paper door for him.

However, the moment the paper door was closed, Xia Qing saw a familiar figure in a trance.

Could it be that……

Suddenly, he had an inexplicable guess in his mind.

No, no, no, it's impossible no matter how you think about it...

Although she was thinking this, there were no ripples on Xia Qing's face. She just calmly poured tea into both cups and pushed one of the cups forward.

Then, everyone who was standing on Xia Qing's right shoulder flapped their wings at this moment, flew to the coffee table, moved towards the tea cup step by step, and finally put his head into the tea cup.

Looks like you're thirsty too...?

Xia Qing's expression was stunned, and then she smiled.

Watching the pigeon drink the tea, Xia Qing suddenly felt her mouth became dry, and she quickly picked up the teacup in front of her and started drinking.

At this moment, the paper door on its right opened.



After subconsciously glancing at the girl standing at the door, Xia Qing spat out the tea she drank on the spot.

The fragrant tea just poured onto the pigeon's feathers. The originally snow-white feathers were moistened by the hot liquid, and even kept dripping tick...tick... on the coffee table.


Sorry, sorry, it's my fault...!

Xia Qing quickly took out his clothes and wiped the pigeon's feathers.


After seeing Xia Qing's gaffe, the girl standing at the door covered her mouth and chuckled as if she was amused.

The laughter like silver bells floated melodiously in the room, swaying gracefully in Xia Qing's ears.

He asked the girl while wiping the feathers of his own Crow.

Miss Zhenji, why did you come here suddenly? Could it be that you also received the same mission as me?

After hearing this question, the girl restrained her smile that she suddenly couldn't hold back, and answered Xia Qing with a calm expression.

I just received the mission from the Thunder Crow when I just obtained the Nichirin Sword, so I rushed to this village so quickly. As for whether we are on the same mission, it depends on your Thunder Crow I didn't know until I told you...

That's it...that's what my Eagle Crow said to me.

Xia Qing nodded and then spoke.

Cuckoo, coo, coo, coo, coo! Coo, coo, coo!


Hearing that his master actually made the same cry as himself, the pigeon suddenly flapped its wings and began to cry as if it was very excited.

Chapter 26 Flower Street (3/4)


After Xia Qing imitated the pigeon's cry, she made tea for herself again and asked the girl kneeling opposite her.

How was it? Now you know why?

No... stop making trouble...

Xia Qing shook his head as if he was bored. If it were the troll netizens in his world, they would definitely be cooing together at this time.

The whole screen will be filled with the smell of gugugu.

Then he greeted the owner of the house, and the young man brought another cup over, and asked his wife to help him wipe the feathers of his bird and wash it.

This village connected to the town has a place specially designed for tired men to relax. This is not something worthy of the Demon Slayer Squad coming here, but...just a few days ago, the girls in that place The number of people started to decrease.”

The regular visitors who went there were immediately alert because the girl who was still kind the day before could not be found the next day. However, although the place was not big, it was guarded by warriors. Ordinary people could not find it at all. You can't get close...

Suddenly, the paper door was opened by the young man from the outside. He put the tea cup on the coffee table, and then seemed to hear Zhen Shi's voice and suddenly spoke. are talking about the Flower Street in this village, right...?

Zhen Sang, who finally finished speaking in a roundabout way, seemed a little at a loss when he heard Flower Street and coughed before nodding.

Well, it's indeed that place. What's wrong?

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