Xia Qing, do you know the difference between fire and sun...?

Xia Qing put her right hand on her chin, pondered slightly, and finally answered with a serious face.

emmm...I know! Fire is thermal radiation, and the sun is nuclear fusion!


Jigoro Kuwashima, who had no idea what Xia Qing was talking about, was now confused.


After that, Kuwashima Jigoro began to teach Xia Qing the one form of [Thunder Breath], Thunderbolt Flash.

Among the five major breathing methods, Thunder Breathing can be said to be the second most difficult breathing method to learn. The first most difficult breathing method to learn is [Rock Breathing].

On the one hand, there is no orthodox pillar-level figure with the Breath of Thunder among the current pillars. A certain gorgeous person endures the branch faction [Breathe of Sound] that he only learned from [Breath of Thunder].

In the anime, Zenitsu, the two most popular disciples of former [Narubashira] Kuwashima Jigoro, and his stepsons, have not learned all the moves of Thunder Breath.

Zenitsu only learned one form of Thunder Breath, but relied on his own understanding to develop new moves.

But Shanyi's senior brother Yu Yue is the only one who cannot learn the one style.

However, neither of these two people have yet been recruited by Kuwashima Jigoro. Judging from the timeline that Xia Qing currently knows, it will probably take a long time before the plot officially unfolds.

Of course, if Xia Qing can directly kill Oniitsuji Muzan before the plot unfolds...

The steps to kill Tsuji Muzan are actually very simple, there are only three steps in total.

Find him, beat him until he can no longer take care of himself, and finally throw him under the sun to bask in the sun.

However, with Xia Qing's current fighting power, it is still far from possible to defeat him. Using a substitute, he can be completely suppressed, but Kibutsuji Mu is greedy and afraid of death to the extreme. God knows how many escape methods this guy has hidden behind his back.

Moreover, there are still six upper strings blocking the way. Even Platinum Star cannot deal with attacks from all directions at the same time.

It's useless to think about it now. Xia Qing shook his head, stopped himself from meaningless reverie, and seriously began to practice the six forms of [Thunder Breathing].

Thunder's Breath 1 Type·Thunderbolt Flash!

Whoosh! !

The moment he used this move, Xia Qing's body that had been trained for a year and the bonus of the breathing method reached an extreme, as fast as a golden lightning.

When he took a step forward, the ground where Xia Qing was standing cracked instantly, and a crack like a spider web suddenly appeared. The knife in his hand seemed to have turned into a part of his body at that moment, and he became more and more flexible in swinging it.

The next moment as a ray of light flashed across the tree trunk surrounded by the three of them, Xia Qing sheathed the knife with a Clang!

Kuwashima Jigoro nodded blankly.



The tree trunk cut diagonally by Xia Qing made an overwhelming sound at this moment.


ps: Masaki is older than Tomioka Giyu and Yasuto, and he is not in the same class. (If you feel something is wrong, go scold Baidu Encyclopedia~)

Author's message:


ps: Thank you to Cocona for your monthly ticket*1, for those who want to eat braised pork*3, for the blade of the Eastern Wind*1, for the duelist who has no card friends*4, for the nine-tailed fox's monthly ticket*1, and for the White of the Burning Dragon Yan’s monthly ticket*1!

Chapter 16 Final Selection! (2/5)

Xia Qing, who noticed this, turned around and greeted the old man on crutches with a smile.

Master Kuwadao, the tree trunk fell towards you~


The tree trunk, which could no longer bear it, collapsed suddenly after Kuwashima Jigoro dodged it, hitting the ground heavily.

You brat, did you do this on purpose...?

Xia Qing replied with a smile.

I just want to test you. If you don't mind, how about you come and spar with me?

Jigoro Kuwashima couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Hahaha, good boy, you are the first one to ask for a beating, come on!


Learning [Thunder Breathing] Types 1 to 6 is completely different from learning the Full Concentration Breathing Method. It took a full year to fully learn the six types.

Of course, being able to learn the six complete katas already made Kuwashima Jigoro very satisfied with Xia Qing's qualifications.

After first coming to [Momoyama], Xia Qing had already told Kuwashima Jigoro about Kotonoha's child. When he heard that this matter was related to child grinding, Kuwashima Jigoro's expression became very serious.

He hurried to the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corps. After holding a meeting with several [Hashira] existences, he immediately sent personnel to investigate the traces of Tong Mo and Kotonoha's children.

Then, the day came when Xia Qing went to participate in the final selection.

Before leaving, from another house built by Xia Qing, Kotonoha, wearing a brand new red kimono, held a lunch box in his hand and smiled gently at Xia Qing.

Bon voyage~!

Xia Qing nodded and took the bento wrapped in cloth from her slender white hands.

Make dinner at home and wait for my return.

Well, I understand.

During this year, the relationship between Xia Qing and the woman Kotonoha did not become as ambiguous as the TV series he had watched. Instead, it seemed extremely dull. He prepared meals for Xia Qing every day, and spent time with him and Sang Dao. When Ji Wulang went out to train, he would wash and dry Xia Qing's clothes.

When he comes back, he will stand at the door and say Welcome home!

For Xia Qing, who had never felt much family affection, this kind of feeling seemed a bit precious.

When Xia Qing said goodbye to Kotonoha and walked towards the foot of the mountain, he met Kuwashima Jigoro who was standing by the shade of a tree to enjoy the coolness in this hot summer day.

After seeing Xia Qing's arrival, the old man on crutches showed a kind smile like a real old man for the first time, and then handed Xia Qing a knife hidden in a sheath in his left hand. come out.

This is the Nichirin sword I used before. I will lend it to you temporarily this time. Remember, the key points of ghosts are their heads, but you can't kill them by cutting their heads with an ordinary sword. The swords in the hands of the members of the Demon Slayer Squad are made of special steel, and the name of the sword is Nichirin Sword.

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