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ps: Recommended book py I, Lafite, the magician operator of Rhode Island

Introduction: Knowledge equals power!

The so-called Originium Technique is just a supernatural phenomenon created by 99% formula calculation + 1% sanity consumption. The so-called 6-star magician is essentially an Originium Technologist who knows a lot of scientific knowledge.

As a result, a flower grower with a super computing chip implanted in his brain transformed into a lolita girl and traveled to the world of Arknights.


Wait a minute, I, Lafite, just want to live a peaceful life. Why did you, Rhodes Island, send me the operator employment contract? Who in the world doesn't know that Rhodes Island treats its operators as tools! Even if I, Lafite, die, , jumped off the roof of the Longmen Guard Bureau! He won’t sign the contract either!”

Miss Lafite, you are a consultant operator and do not need to go to the battlefield to fight. You will also receive a monthly subsidy of 10 pure source stones.

It smells so good...I signed the contract.

Then, you are welcome to join Rhode Island. Your future operator code name will be Destroyer, dear Beau... Miss Lafite.

Lafite looked at the innocent girl with a pair of long donkey ears in front of him, always feeling that his peaceful life was going to be gone forever.


Chapter 14 Apprenticeship! (5/5)

Xia Qing opened her eyes and suddenly discovered something.

In addition to taking off the coat that was specially used to cover himself, he also found that something was pressing tightly against him. It was very light and not heavy at all, so Xia Qing didn't notice it at first.

‘Hmm…what is it…? ’

The coldness of winter made Xia Qing's memory somewhat fragmented at this moment. After lying there in silence for several minutes, he finally remembered.


Xia Qing reached out to the round object with suspicion... and immediately understood.

Did you sleep...?

It was like the most luxurious pillow, with that petite and soft body pressed against his side. Xia Qing could even ask about the pleasant fragrance exuding from the woman's body.

Her expression was completely relaxed, Well... She moved a little, as if she felt a little cold, so she rubbed her face against Xia Qing's chest.

The delicate fair skin is reminiscent of fresh snow, and the slender limbs are delicate and tender. Even though she is wearing a kimono, her graceful figure is still highlighted.

Just when Xia Qing was having mixed feelings in her heart, she suddenly caught sight of the sleeping face of the woman in the coat from the corner of her eye. The delicate outline seemed to be broken at the touch of a touch. It was exquisite and beautiful. At this moment, it seemed to be emitting a faint light, not so much. It is an exquisite doll, and I want it to be a fairy or elf that appears in fairy tales.

Suddenly, the woman's body came closer again, and the softness that could be clearly felt was suppressed. From this moment on, Xia Qing's movements were like lightning, and she was out of her arms in an instant. was really scary. I almost got boki on the spot (referring to physiological reaction).

Xia Qing's sigh melted into the chilly morning air.


The sun has completely risen from the mountains in the east, making people feel the warm light shining down.

At this time, Xia Qing was walking towards the nearby Taoshan, carrying Qinye on his back.

Kotonoha's height is about 1.6 meters, and her figure is slender and light. It can be seen from her thin arms that she has probably never had a good meal before.

Xia Qing, how long does it take to arrive...

Before, although she insisted on walking down by herself, Xia Qing refused without hesitation.

Although it was a bit cruel, not only would the journey become longer, but Xia Qing would no longer want to sleep in the open air.

It would be nice to have a warmer place to live.

Soon... that's [Momoyama] over there.

Kotonoye's arms around Xia Qing's neck moved. She straightened her neck and tried to look at the place Xia Qing was talking about. Sure enough, at the end of her sight, she could see a towering tower in the cold winter. of towering peaks.

After Xia Qing increased his speed, it didn't take long before he arrived at the foot of [Taoshan] Mountain.

At this moment, there was an old man standing next to the big tree waiting.

I am Jigoro Kuwashima, and I am your trainer.

It was a short old man with a cane, a big scar on his face, and a prosthetic right foot.

After retiring from the front line as the predecessor [Mingzhu], he lived in seclusion in [Momoyama] and worked as a trainer to train the next generation of team members.

You came so late, I thought you died on the way.

After Xia Qing handed over the recommendation letter from Mingyu Xingming to the other party, the old man's expression became serious. After taking a look at Xia Qing's behavior of carrying a beautiful woman on his back, the old man couldn't help but frown.

I originally found out through the logistics department that Beimingyu Xingming had recommended a very talented young man to become his apprentice. On the surface, he said, It's really troublesome, but in fact, he was very happy inside.

After all, he was quite lonely in [Momoyama] all the time, so it would be nice to have an apprentice to accompany him.

However, no matter how he looked at this young man who was carrying a beautiful woman on his back and showed no signs of coming to endure hardship, Jigoro Kuwashima felt that this guy did not look like someone who could become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps.

No matter how talented you are, if you don't have enough perseverance, you will most likely die before you grow up.

What's more, there is still the final selection of the Demon Slayer Corps, and he will never let anyone who he thinks is not good die.

However, since this person is already here, let’s try to exercise first and see if it works.

Thinking this way, Kuwashima Jigoro said with a serious face.

“Get to the top of the mountain before sunset.”

After saying that, he turned around and left. In just a moment, the old man's figure disappeared from the spot.

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows.

Even if he has retired, his strength cannot be underestimated.

Kotonoha, who was lying on his back, said hesitantly.

Well...or I'd better come down...

She really didn't want to delay Xia Qing's future because of herself.

Xia Qing lowered his head slightly, and raised the hand supporting the woman's legs at this moment.

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