There was a rustling sound in the lush grass, and in the next moment, Tong Mo's body suddenly jumped out of it.

Vampire Art: Scattering Lotus Flower!!

Tong Mo waved his opposite fans, and a large number of scattered ice fragments formed a double fan-shaped slash as sharp as a blade, heading straight towards Xia Qing at this moment.

Platinum Star!

The next moment, the extremely destructive fist wielded by Platinum Star with A-level speed was as fast as a bullet, blocking all the tiny ice fragments coming towards Xia Qing.

What! How is this possible!?

Seeing that his [Vampire Art: Loose Lotus Flower] was actually blocked two meters in front of this human being, there seemed to be an invisible barrier there, blocking all his ice flowers, and even the dust was suddenly blown away. The strong wind blew back.

This made Tong Mo couldn't help but feel a little curious. Originally, he didn't even pay attention to those pillars, but now they were crushed in the hands of an unknown young man.

impossible! Judging from the young man's fighting performance just now, he was far from reaching the pillar level, but when he was about to give the final blow, he suddenly burst out with damage that even the pillar level could not inflict on him.

Tong Mo thought.

There is no way that a person with such strength is not in the Demon Slayer Corps. Could it be that... he is a hidden pillar! ?

Who are you...?

With his thoughts swirling, Tong Mo asked the young man standing on the edge of the cliff.

Fine drizzle gradually fell from the sky, soaking Xia Qing's clothes, and the coat filled with water became a little heavier.


Onimbutsuji Mukai formed the Twelve Demons led by Heishimou, and has been adding new companions for four hundred years. On the surface, there are twelve strong demons, but Onimushuji only pays attention to the six upper demons.

Except for the fifth lower string, the other lower strings are optional.

When Tōmo first became a ghost, he was positioned at the level of Uejo no 6. However, even if Onibatsuji didn't like him, Tōmo kept climbing up.

The ranking of Shangxian is based on strength. Tong Mo starts from the bottom. He became a ghost after Yi Wo Zuo.

In the human period, Yiwoza killed more than 60 people with his bare hands, which was appreciated by Onimusuji. Not long after the Twelve Demons were formed, Yiwoza ranked second, second only to Heishimou.

In the subsequent switching bloody battle, Tong Mo defeated Yiwo Zuo and became the second best player, while the defeated Yiwo Zuo dropped to third place.

The ranking of the top six was fixed, and the bottom three top players continued to change. It was not until Tong Mo introduced the Fallen Princess brothers and sisters to become the top six that the lineup of the top six was maintained. During this period, the Demon Slayer Corps was being crushed by the top. .

It can be seen from Tong Mo's hard work that he climbed to the second position on the top string. Tong Mo worked hard to become stronger. If Tong Mo didn't like to let go of water when fighting, five icemen plus the ultimate blood ghost technique would be enough to deal with half of the ghost killing team. , and the upper limit of the number of Tongmo Icemen is still unclear. This is a very buggy vampire technique.

Only by possessing the strength to crush him can one be able to ignore him.

Author's message:


ps: Thanks to Shuke 54632458955 for his monthly ticket*5, Shuke 6524031792 for his monthly ticket*1, for making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger*1, for クルル's monthly ticket*1, for Kitare Origami's monthly ticket*1, and for gvb**ghk's monthly ticket *2. A monthly ticket for Shushan Youlu Liewei Jing*2, a monthly ticket for Shuke 24507640531*1, and a monthly ticket for Eternal No. 1!

ps2: Thanks for the reward of Albert’s spicy strips (100)! Thanks for the blades*3 for making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger, the blades*2 for recording observers, and the blades*15 for poetry notes!

ps3: The blade can speed up the update~~~

Chapter 11 I can finish it in five minutes! (2/5)

Tong Mo, who was originally at the bottom of the top ranking, climbed up with talent and hard work, and finally defeated Yi Wo Zuo and then firmly sat in the second position of the top ranking.

Even with the upgraded Yiwozao, there is still no chance of winning against Tongmo. The battles between ghosts are based on physical strength. After all, the setting is that ghosts cannot be killed except for the sun and the Sun Blade, but Tongmo can create and fight. Iceman of the same level as Yiwozuo used his strength to bully the younger ones, so Yiwozuo could not shake Tongmo's status.


Ah la ah la~ It's pretty awesome, it really makes me more and more excited!!

Tong Mo, whose tone became more and more fierce, inserted his index finger into his temple and drilled it wildly while laughing evilly.

Ah~ this is how we have to fight!

As soon as he finished speaking, Tong Mo's figure turned into a swift shadow and rushed towards Xia Qing, as if he wanted to fight in close combat.

So much nonsense!

Xia Qing glanced at the kimono woman lying on the ground at her feet with the corner of her eye. The latter's body could still feel subtle tremors, and she probably had not completely cut off her breath. Xia Qing took this opportunity to cast healing magic on her, and the woman The injury on his back is temporarily under control.

Seeing this scene, Tong Mo seemed to have been robbed of food, and the playful smile on his face gradually disappeared at this moment.

“Don’t touch my dessert!!”

The golden pair of fans opened immediately, and then waved suddenly!

Vampire Art·Han Lie——

Tong Mo had just spoken, and before he could release his move, when he reached within two meters of Xia Qing, he was already destined to be beaten violently.


Enveloped by purple light, the fist that could easily crush diamonds suddenly hit Tong Mo like a rainstorm!

The terrifying destructive power and Gatling-like fists with infinite bursts caused Tong Mo's body to be blown into a human shape in an instant. He was unable to make an inch towards Xia Qing and was thrown upside down by the violent shock. Get out!

The body, like a kite with its string broken, kept shuttling through the woods, knocking down the trunks of several large trees.

Seeing this scene, Xia Qing quickly picked up the kimono woman who fell on the ground.

Then he ran towards the other side of the forest. Fortunately, his current physique and strength have surpassed ordinary people, so even after the battle just now, he can still lead people away.

If you continue to fight with Tong Mo, in the end it will only be a fight until dawn, and the opponent will leave on his own initiative.

Moreover, even with the skill of [Time Pause], Xia Qing can only pause time for three seconds at most. It will probably take some time to grow. Although he has surpassed ordinary people now, he is still far from surpassing humans. limit.

Even if an ordinary knife has ripples attached, it will be difficult to kill and string it up. This is not because the ripples can't be achieved, but because ordinary swords cannot withstand such a strong blow and will break.

What's more, Xia Qing is just a beginner in the power of ripples. Being able to master it to this extent in more than a week can be regarded as a gift.

At this speed, when will we be able to use the ripple skill [Thomson Ripple Run]...?

Although the power of the ripple will be weakened a lot at long range, he looks really cool holding Thomson while fighting monsters.

Before Tong Mo had time to react, Xia Qing had already rushed out of the forest and fled away.

However, even after breaking out of the forest, not far from the original forest is another large mountain covered with trees.

After Xia Qing came to the bank of a river, he looked back at the road blocked by mountains and forests.

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