Magic and science are similar on a certain level. Although the methods are different, the effort required to achieve the goal is the same.

Although magic can make things appear to happen instantly, it actually requires a lot of preparation beforehand.

According to the magician's point of view, magic is just making what modern technology can do possible with personal power and spending a lot of time and energy to make it possible.

Therefore, magic does not include things that humans cannot achieve, and the ability to do such things is called magic.

However, what Xia Qing is performing now can only be regarded as the lowest level of magic in the world of Xingyue. In the eyes of ordinary people in the world of Demon Slayer, it is probably as magical as [magic].

Maybe he will even be regarded as a fairy or something like that.

After approaching the stream, Xia Qing heard the sound of rushing water. He squatted down and dipped the bamboo tube into the water. A cold feeling instantly spread from his hands to his body, which made Xia Qing I couldn't help but shudder.

so cold!!

It's better to quickly return to the campfire. If it's in the game, you can pass where there is a campfire, oh no, you can recover your blood.

Wait...this is...

Xia Qing suddenly noticed something, quickly stood up, slightly raised the light ball in his right hand, and quickly ran towards the direction of the movement.

If he heard correctly just now, it was the sound of someone running quickly in the forest.

...Who would be running around in the forest at a time like this?

All in all, it would be great if ghosts appeared. It would be better if a few ghosts started fighting among themselves. In that case, we might be able to wait until they are exhausted~

Xia Qing walked through the lush grass and kept moving forward in the forest with the help of magic light.

In the forest shrouded in darkness, the light emanating from Xia Qing's hands attracted all the surrounding beasts, and after he reached the end of the sound.

What comes into view is a cliff. On the edge of the cliff, a woman is lying on the ground. She is wearing a yellow patterned kimono. Her waist-length black hair is messy and scattered. She is wearing a kimono. The woman's back was stained red with blood and she fell into a coma.

Next to the woman, stood a figure with white oak hair and a strange-shaped black hat with golden decorative patterns on his head. The cloak behind his back was blown slightly by the cold wind. From behind, Judging from his figure, he should be a man.

Ah la ah la~~ It seems that an unsuspecting little mouse has come over~

His voice was calm and soft, but one could feel the murderous intent hidden in his words. After turning his face to look at the person, Tong Mo's expression suddenly paused.

The smile that seemed a little pleasant gradually disappeared at this moment.

Tsk, what? It's actually a man. It's so boring.

Tong Mo, who had colorful eyes, blinked and then smiled again, this time with unabashed murderous intent.

Don't worry, I will make your life worse than death~

As soon as he finished speaking, Tong Mo's figure disappeared instantly, and cracks like spider webs appeared where he was standing!

After Xia Qing saw the other person's colorful eyes, he understood who this person was.

With white oak hair, colorful eyes, and a head that looks like blood was splashed on his head, with a carefree smile on his face, he is a person who is born unable to feel emotions.

During his childhood, his parents founded the Eternal Bliss Sect because of Tong Mo's colorful eyes, with Tong Mo as the leader.

Every day he met believers who came to complain, but as he was unable to feel emotions in his heart, he only felt that these people were stupid and pitiful, and he tried to figure out how to solve the believers' troubles once and for all.

One day, Tongmo's mother, who discovered that her husband was cheating on her, went crazy and killed her husband, and then committed suicide by taking poison. (?)

Faced with such a huge change, Tong Mo did not have any emotional fluctuations. He just thought that the smell in the room was so bad that someone would come and clean it up quickly.

Chapter 9 Ripples run fast! (5/5)

Tong Mo met Wu Mei when he was twenty years old. After being attracted by him, he was given the blood of ghosts and became a ghost. After that, he started a cannibal journey in the name of salvation and unilaterally believed that he was eaten. The lost people will live forever with him.

Although the current Tong Mo is the second of the top strings, his combat power is actually far weaker than that of the first string of the top strings, Hei Shimo.

By the way, when he first joined the Twelve Ghost Moons, Tongmo was the sixth member of the upper string.


Bang——! !

The sound of tree trunks being hit hard by something kept ringing around Xia Qing. Through Platinum Star's observation, Xia Qing could see that there were shoe prints on those tree trunks.

Xia Qing, who had already unsheathed his sword, was on full alert. He did not immediately use his substitute to defend, but chose to fight.

He wanted to test what level his current fighting ability was.

Although he had this idea, Xia Qing also made [Substitute Platinum Star] appear behind him to prevent him from jumping on the street because he couldn't beat him.

After all, Twelve Ghost Moon is not an opponent that can be defeated easily without using the smell of platinum. It is precisely because he knows the plot that Xia Qing understands how powerful Twelve Ghost Moon is.

The Twelve Ghost Moons are divided into upper and lower quarters, with the upper quarters ranging from one to six and the lower quarters ranging from one to six.

Numbers are not only a symbol of status, but also a proof of strength.

Let’s not talk about Xia Xian for the moment. Every ghost in Xia Xian is a monster in terms of strength. Among them, Xia Xian 3 is another dividing line. Xia Xian’s lineup has changed countless times in the past hundreds of years.

Being hunted down by the Demon Slayer Corps, only Ue-shou has never fallen in the battles with the Demon Slayers. Each Ue-shou has the blood of at least one Hashira on his hands.

Not to mention the original ghost who created them, Tsuji Muzan, who claims to be the closest thing to a perfect creature.

The first half of the twelve ghost moons is a monster, so the first ghost is the monster among monsters.

However, although it is indeed very strong, compared to DIO, this coward really pales in comparison.

One is the evil savior who likes all kinds of romantic things when he gets awesome, and the other is the original ghost who is extremely timid and extremely afraid of death, and even wants to kill his own people.

When Onibatsuji Muzan was first born, it was the Heian Era thousands of years ago. Muzan, who was still a human at the time, became terminally ill before he was 20 years old.

A kind-hearted doctor developed a medicine for him to extend his life, but the side effects of the medicine made Wuhan think that his condition was getting worse, so Wuhan was angry and killed the doctor.

After the doctor died, Wu Mei discovered that not only had his body recovered, but he had also gained an immortal and stronger body, but he also began to crave human flesh and blood.

Although this is not a problem for Wuhan who has gained great power, death as long as he is exposed to sunlight has become Wuhan's most fatal weakness. Being unable to walk in the sun for a lifetime makes Wuhan feel extremely humiliated and angry.

After studying the drug formula developed by the doctor for himself, Wu Pei found that the finished product of the drug required adding a plant that the doctor called blue Higanbana. However, only one person knew where the green Higanbana grew and how to cultivate it. That doctor.

So in order to make himself the strongest immortal immortal monster, Muzan began to create a large number of ghosts to find the blue Higanbana for himself and annihilate the ghost killing team that hindered him.

After passing through this information one by one in his mind, Xia Qing's body began to flow with red ripples. This electric current-like ripple covered the dim surroundings with red light.

Sizzle! ! !

Oh...? Is this the breath of fire?

Tong Mo, who was impressed by the effects caused by various breathing techniques, relied on his powerful body to move at high speed, and smiled with some interest when he suddenly stopped.

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