He didn't know why but there was a hint of expectation in his heart.

Then, Mingyu Xingming raised his head and said to everyone.

I'm here to kill the ghosts. You guys should rest here first while I go and get rid of the ghosts in the city.

After finishing speaking, Mingyu Xingming turned his face to Xia Qing and said.

You can protect them both. I will come back after I deal with them.

Then, Mingyu Xingming's figure turned into a swift shadow and headed towards the depths of the town.

Seeing the figure of Mingming Island Xingming gradually disappearing, Xia Qing looked away with some regret.

Ah, the blame was robbed.

But if Xia Qing were to solve it, it would probably take a long time, and some ghosts might even get away.

As he muttered like this, Xia Qing looked at the virtual panel that appeared in front of him and that only he could see.

Name: Xia Qing

Level (Ghost Swordsman): LV.2

Experience value: (0/1035)

Sex: Male

Race: Human (no upper limit)

Height: 176cm

Pedigree: None

Special abilities: [Substitute·Platinum Star], [Ripple Run], [Stealth: C]

Physique: 15 (10) Strength: 14 (10) Speed: 13 (10) Spirit: 120 (10)

Current world: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Main mission: Survive to the final time point of the anime.

It seems that the experience value gained after killing the lowest level cannibal is EXP1000. In this case, you only need to kill one more to level up.

Xia Qing currently possesses all the sword skills of the Ghost Swordsman before he changes his profession, and will only activate the remaining skills after he achieves the profession transfer.

But it looks like it will take a long time to change jobs.

How many ghosts do you need to kill to get enough...

In addition, due to the results of Xia Qing's crazy exercise in the past few days, his three-dimensional attributes have now risen to a level beyond that of a normal adult male.

But compared with those of the Demon Slayer Squad, it seems that there is still a long way to go.

Just now he was able to kill the cannibal, but he relied on the power of [Ripple Speed], and with his sword skills, he was able to strike at the most accurate angle, so he was able to kill it.

So far, without using the [Platinum Star], my own power can only be considered a little stronger than ordinary people.

While protecting the two sisters Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Ninja, Xia Qing helped bury their parents.

After the sisters knelt in front of their parents' graves for a long time, Xia Qing finally spoke.

That, butterfly...

Please call me Kanae.

The girl's gentle voice blew through the soul like a gentle warm wind, making people feel more comfortable. Even her sister Butterfly Shinobu couldn't help but feel a little moved at this moment. As a close relative, she could feel her sister's hidden sadness.

So, Kanae, what are you going to do in the future?

Butterfly Kanae was stunned when she heard this, lowered her head and said nothing, because even she didn't know how she would live in the future.

Not long after, Mingyu Xingming, who had solved everything, came back. The cassock he was wearing outside the Demon Slayer uniform was now stained with some blood, but he didn't seem to care.

After seeing the uniforms of the Mingming Island Xingming Ghost Killing Team, Butterfly Ninja's eyes flickered with a glimmer of hope and he spoke.

Please let me join the Demon Slayer Squad!

After hearing what Butterfly Ninja said, Mingyu Xingming frowned and persuaded.

This road is very difficult. You may die at any time in the battle with ghosts. If you survive as an ordinary person-

Before Mingyu Xingming finished speaking, Butterfly Ninja continued with a firm look on his face.

Please, please let me join the Demon Slayer Corps! I don't want anyone else to suffer the fate we suffered!

After hearing her sister's speech, her sister Butterfly Kanae also said firmly to Mingyu Xingmei.

I want to join too! I want to work with my sister...to protect the happiness of others that has not been destroyed!

……All right.

Mingyu Xingming took a deep breath, finally nodded, then turned to Xia Qing and asked.

What about you, are you willing to join the Demon Slayer Squad?

Xia Qing nodded.

Of course, I want to join in.


After getting a letter of recommendation from Mingyu Xingmei, Xia Qing set out for [Momoyama] where the Demon Slayer Corps trainer Kuwashima Jigoro was located.

Kuwashima Jigoro, once was [Narubashira] who won the title of The Demon Slayer's Strongest Swordsman.

As for why it is not [Thunder Pillar] but [Ming Pillar], it is unknown.

He was originally a strong man, until his knee, oh no, right foot was injured, and he retired from the front line.

Since then, he has been living in seclusion in [Momoyama], working as a trainer to train next-generation team members.

During the next trip to [Taoshan] where the good master was, Xia Qing stopped at several villages along the way while following the map given by Xingming of Weiming Island.

On this day, Xia Qing woke up to the melodious piano music (The Wind Sings) provided by the system. After opening her eyes and taking a look at the depths of the surrounding forest shrouded in deep darkness, the cold air that infected her skin was felt by Xia Qing's side. Not far away, the fire that was still emitting heat was dispersed.

...it's still dark, let's sleep for five more minutes!

This time I slept, and my achievements were almost gone.

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