
After just taking a few breaths of cold air, Xia Qing couldn't help but feel the coldness in her chest.

It's much colder here than Fuyuki.

Fuyuki City, where I was before, actually didn't seem that cold because it was close to the coast. Even in winter, the temperature wouldn't be as cold as it is now.

However, in winter, there seems to be no wild beasts in the mountains and forests...

Ouch~~~! !

Suddenly, the sound of wolves howling came from the depths of the dark forest.


It looked like he was being treated as unexpected food.

As soon as Xia Qing thought, the Platinum Star appeared directly beside him, protecting him every step of the way.

After seeing his substitute, Xia Qing felt much more at ease.

Although I know that I am now in the world of Demon Slayer, the system didn't tell me where the plot line is...

As Xia Qing murmured, a transparent light curtain emitting a blue shimmer appeared in front of Xia Qing, moving with his perspective.

Looking at the [Exchange List] and [Achievements List] refreshed above, Xia Qing's brain, which was sluggish from the cold, began to think.

【Exchange List】

[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure·Perfect Biological Lineage]: Obtain immortality, cells divide and proliferate infinitely, the body cannot be damaged if brain waves exist, and it will not die when entering magma, and even changes from a carbon-based structure to a silicon-based structure Or the ability to be unable to die and so on. ——178,000 points.

[Naruto·Uchiha Bloodline]: Inheriting the Sage's Eyes makes it easier to learn the fire system (ninjutsu, magic, magic and other moves). ——28,000 points.

[One Piece·Frozen Fruit]: A natural devil fruit from the world of One Piece. ——97000 points.

Ripple Running: Breathing is related to the blood, because the blood transports oxygen from the lungs, and the oxygen in the blood is related to the cells. The cells are equivalent to the body, just like throwing a stone in the water will cause ripples. Use special breathing methods to Ripples are generated inside the body, resulting in powerful power. ——10,000 points.

Limiter Release: Human power has its limits. By redeeming this list, you can lift the upper limit of your own strength as a human being. (Note: Only the upper limit is lifted, improving strength depends on hard work!) - 10,000 points.

Parachute 1: A parachute is a deployable aerodynamic reducer that uses the principle of air resistance to inflate and expand relative to the movement of the air. ——10 points.

Ghost Swordsman·Sword Skills: Obtain all the sword skills of the Ghost Swordsman before changing profession. (Note: You can change jobs when you reach level 20. After changing jobs, you will be able to choose to obtain power of ghosts and gods or transfer energy) - 5,000 points.

【Achievements List】

Twelve Ghost Moons: Kill the lower string for 5,000 points, and kill the upper string for 10,000 points.

Ghost Slayer Master: He can distinguish right from wrong, good and evil, and destroy evil ghosts. ——Every time you kill an ordinary ogre × 1, you will be rewarded with 100 points, and the rest will depend on your strength level.

Normal work and rest: Maintain the habit of going to bed early and getting up early every day, and develop a good work and rest to ensure a healthy body. (For the sake of the existence of the system, please try to survive) - Achievement reward: 5,000 points.

Breathing Method: Obtain any breathing method in this world and successfully practice it until the main mission is completed. ——Achievement reward: 5000 points.

Swordsman's Proof: Learn swordsmanship and become a swordsman who can fight on his own. ——Achievement reward: 5000 points.

Oniitsuji Muzan: Defeat and kill Oniitsuji Muzan! ——The achievement rewards 50,000 points.

Three meals a day: Make sure you have three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat on time, and avoid late-night snacks until the main task is completed. ——The achievement rewards 5,000 points.

Author's message:


?ps: Thanks to Tiantian Xiangqi for the 1688 reward and Ananda Shesha for the 100 reward!

Thank you to Bright Star Curtain for your monthly ticket*2, and to the dying monthly ticket*1!

?ps: I always feel like I’ve seen the word “Wuxiang” somewhere before.

?【No misfortune in the night sick building】, 【No misfortune for twins】【No misfortune in the office】

?ps: The panel will only appear once, and will be replaced by Parachute 1 in a short way.

?ps3: Achievement 2 is just easy to understand, don’t delve too deeply into it!

Chapter 2 Limiter Release (2/3)


Xia Qing suddenly noticed something strange.

System, why have the prices of Perfect Biological Bloodline and Frozen Fruit been reduced...?

[[Exchange List] will gradually increase or decrease according to its helpfulness to the owner. The help rate is zero or automatically refreshed when the system is upgraded. ]

Oh oh oh!!! This is great!!!

The sudden good news made Xia Qing feel that the surroundings were not so cold anymore.

However, if you think about it carefully, if you can exchange it casually, you probably already have stronger power.

In addition, there are also new lists, whether it is Limiter Release or Ripple Run, both of which are of great help to improve one's own strength.

Ripples have the same effect as sunlight, and can have a destructive effect on the immortal bodies of vampires and pillar men. (It has no effect on perfect creatures created by stone ghost faces perfected with Alger red stone.)

It can produce great power in an instant with an ordinary human body, and can also achieve various effects through subtle control. The physical body of a person who practices can be strengthened. Aging can be resisted in different ways.

And the ghosts in this world, including the first ghost, Oni Tsuji Mukai, are the same. They are all afraid of sunlight!

It can be said that Ripple can kill ghosts even without using the [Nichirin Sword], but practicing the breathing method requires the [Nichirin Sword] to kill ghosts.

Not to mention which one is stronger or weaker between the two, the first point alone is already more powerful than any breathing method.

As for the other limiter, although it only allows you to become stronger through hard work without limit after being lifted, you must know that this means that as long as you work hard, you will be rewarded.

This is something many people hope to achieve.

If it weren't for the fact that he needed to go out to see if the timeline outside the forest was where the plot started, Xia Qing would have really wanted to build a house in this forest and train for a few years so that he could protect himself without using a substitute. Ability to go out again.

It's so comfortable to grow up to be invincible first, and then go out and feel comfortable every second.

System, didn't there be a random draw after I completed the main mission in the previous world? Give it to me now!

[Yes, extraction is in progress...]

The air was drowned in silence.

Xia Qing couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. It would be great if he could draw [Perfect Biological Bloodline]. In this way, it wouldn't be a problem to directly push Muzan Onimushuji.

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