The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 986: End of the world, no regrets in the wind (9)

Chapter 986 End of the World, no regrets in the wind (9)

When I heard the accusation of Liuxia, Muling’s heart stunned.

It is not going to be the Qin dynasty to run and the wind to rob the South String. As a result, the wind is like a slap in the face?

This kind of thing is absolutely done with the temperament of the wind!

"I just talked about love with my family Nanxian, and I still talked about her?" The wind sneered.

Liu Xiaguang is red, angry and screaming like a wind: "You have been in contact with my family several times, and I know that my lady is not very good. You are deliberately intimate with Nanxian. You are not deliberately stimulating my lady?"

Muling suddenly realized what happened.

His brows are slightly wrinkled, and he does not like this Qin family more and more.

Originally, he was very fond of Qin Yuer. This girl was gentle and quiet, and she liked it. Later, after learning that the government was retiring, there was a reason for Qin’s family, and his heart rose.

Compared with the Qin family, he needs the government.

Today, seeing the soft and unbearable body of Qin Yuer also calms down the love for her.

At the beginning, the Qin family promised that Qin's body would soon recover, and he agreed to the marriage. If Qin Qin's body is not good, it is a problem to be able to raise and raise, even if it is not.

Not to mention now, as a beggar, still so sprinkling, this Qin family is really lacking in education.

Muling’s heart understands that this is no stranger to the wind.

She is close to the Nanxian in the Mu family, who knows that Qin Yuer will appear and is also stimulated.

Moreover, although he couldn't get used to the wind and the South Strings, he was hugged and hugged, but at most he blamed the two in his heart, and he did not take it for granted.

"Cough, the wind is like a tilt." Mu Ling cleared his throat and pulled a face to look at the wind, his eyes were sharp.

In the next second, he received a murderous look in the South String, and the words that wanted to be reprimanded suddenly stopped, and the sound was a little smaller.

"Miss Qin is fainting at Mujia, is it better for you to see her illness?"

"dont see."

"The wind is like a dump, I heard that you have a very good relationship with the Qin family of Qin family. This Miss Qin is Qin's sister!"

"Don't look!"

"Then how can you treat her?" Muling’s heart was annoyed and he did not dare to show it.

His fear of the South Strings is already from the heart and cannot be erased.

"Oh, wait for her to die, I will dissect her body."


Mu Ling knew that the wind was so ruthless and vicious, but I did not expect to reach this level.

Yes, this thing is that the Qin family is unreasonable!

Qin Qiner at least fainted in the Mu family, she did not treat her on the South Strings?

"Ling Ge..."

A weak voice made Muling’s heart and blood tremble.

He hurriedly looked up and saw Chen Guangyu walking around with his help.

Chen’s face was weak, and his forehead was full of cold sweat. Every step of the way seemed to use a lot of effort.

"Slightly stunned, how did you come out?" Muling's brow wrinkled. He just wanted to help Chen Chen, and his eyes looked cold and saw the plain clothes coming from the other side, and he could not help but stop.

Chen Lijun smiled weakly: "I heard that the Qin family girl had an accident at our home. This is to see, Ling Ge, Qin girl, what is wrong with this? Go to the doctor to see for her. We can't always send her back to Qin."

"it is good."

Mu Ling’s expression was a little loose. He turned back and told the guard behind him, and he took his eyes back.

(End of this chapter)

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