The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 983: End of the world, no regrets in the wind (six)

Chapter 983 End of the World, no regrets in the wind (6)

After the wind came, the eyes of Nanxian stayed on Mrs. Luo’s body, and she found that she did have something to do with the wind.

Her anxious, not fake.

"it is good."

The wind is like a back with a smile.

Her smile, like a sun, is a beautiful city.

After the South String left, the wind turned to the old lady: "What are you going to say to me?"

Mrs. Luo smiled a bit: "The girl, you can remember, the strong man I told you?"

"It is the one who forced the whole hidden world to sign the contract."

"Yes, the man is named Tianya. This is the name that everyone in the hidden world knows well, but he has another name. In this hidden world, only the old man who died with me and me knows."

Mrs. Luo smiled slightly: "His other name is called no regrets!"

No regrets in the wind!

The wind stroking the palm of Mrs. Luo’s arm and trembled: "You just said, what is his name?"

"Wind! No! Regret! No regrets, no regrets."

No regrets in the wind!

The surviving king of the Yunyun country, no regrets!

At this moment, the wind feels like the blood is flowing backwards, and her eyes are fixed on Mrs. Luo.

"There is no regret in the wind, that is, the day that I have smashed a **** road from the hidden world? He is the one who forced the hidden world to sign the contract under the encirclement of countless people in the hidden world? He is the one because of the flow of clouds. The country’s people were killed, and one person killed the strong world of the hidden world?”

Every word in the wind is asking questions, so that Mrs. Luo’s heart is more and more guilty.

"Shantou, this is my fault. If we were not Luojia, your grandfather would not..."

The wind is slowly closing and closing.

The wind is no regrets and still alive, she is delighted.


As soon as he thought of the day, he rushed into the hidden world and was besieged by countless forces.

He is alone, how can he make a **** road?

How much did it cost to sign the contract?

Before I know that the end of the world is no regrets, the wind is like a strong person who has never seen this before, only admiration and respect, but now...

This person is her grandfather!

It is her close relative!

The group of people had no face to besiege him, and he was forced to a place where he could no longer come out!

"I know."

The wind has opened its eyes.

Her tone is still calm, but under this calm, the waves are hidden.

"Small dump."

Lori's eyes were a little worried, and she gently held the hand of the wind.

The expression of the wind was gentle, and I raised my hand and touched Luo Li’s small head: "I am fine, you don't have to worry, this is a good thing for me, at least... my grandfather is not dead, he is still alive. !"

"That's good."

Luo Li was relieved. She smiled and showed her cute little tiger teeth: "Small, your grandfather will come back, sure."


Even if he can't come back, she will go to that place and bring him back!

"Small dump, then let's go first," Lori smiled. "When you have time, remember to go to Luojia to find me."

"Okay, I will."

After the wind fell down, Mrs. Luo and Luo Li had already left.

She stared at the direction in which the two left, and gently stroked her heart.

Blood... It’s really a strange thing.

She occupies the original body and also inherits her blood.

(End of this chapter)

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