The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 943: Mu Ling beats (nine)

Chapter 943, Mu Ling beats (9)

She has long said that these people will give back to Suyi, and she will return sooner or later.

"Wind! Like! Pour!" Muling hated to gnash his teeth.

He hopes that the wind can be treated for him, but now he has been stunned by anger, only knowing that the wind is like a woman who hurts his love.

How can you endure such a toss when you are so soft and kind? The wind is like deliberately treating her like this!

The wind is like a cold smile: "What are you calling you?"


Suyi squirted out of the water, and she calmly took out the puff and wiped the corner of her mouth. The cloud breeze smiled: "Look, you pay attention to some, Muling, he is still sitting here."

"Oh, what do you call your ancestors?"

Suyi: "..."

How does she feel that it is better to let her claim to be Muling’s embarrassment?

This is a lot older than the old man...


Muling was spurted out of the blood by a fan, and his eyes screamed at the flames.

That look, I can't wait to smash her.

The south string pulled the wind into the arms, and calmly swept the eyes.

However, the wind did not care about Mu Ling’s eating eyes. She gently pushed the Nanxian string and walked slowly to Muling, who looked down at him.

"I know that you can't wait to kill me. It doesn't matter. I like you. I hate me and can't do it. But if you want to retaliate, you can retaliate against those who beat you. They listened to me." Threat, not afraid of you."

Muling bit his teeth, he knows that the wind is telling the truth.

The strength of the South Strings has shocked Mu Ling, not to mention the fact that Gu Shi and Hai Rong are protecting the wind.

Even if he hates again, he can only take his own internal injuries and take her no way!

"The wind is like a dump, you are so vicious, you are not afraid that the South String will abandon you?"

The wind turned his head and looked at the south string, blinking his eyes: "Will you abandon me?"

"No," Nanzi smashed the head of the hurricane, and smiled lightly. "Because I will be more poisonous than you."

What is the ultimate pet?

In the south string and the wind, the Qin Xiaoer looked very clear.

Her heart was sour and sorrowful, and the pale and beautiful face raised a smile.

That smile is sour and bitter.

The gentle smile of the man, for her, is like a sword that kills people without seeing blood, and the sly inserts into her heart.

Mu Ling swallowed a bite of blood in his throat. His fierce gaze was suffocating, like a raging lion, staring at the group of fans who had scorned Chen.

Not to mention that everyone has two hundred slaps, that is, only two hundred slaps, not what they can afford.

Moreover, his contempt is still so delicate and soft.

Mu Xi stood still and looked gentle, his eyes cold and cold looking at the South String and the wind, I don't know what to think.

Mu Huan was not so ruthless as Mu Xi, she suddenly ran over, squatting in front of Hai Rong, screaming and tears: "Master, beg you to save my mother."

She is selfish, but Mu Ling and Chen Guangyu are her fathers. After being punished like this, she can't sit back and watch.

Hairong was disappointed and closed his old eyes: "I can't control this matter. Don't call my master. I have given you a chance. You haven't cherished it. I can't tolerate someone who is so snake-like."

Mu Huan stiffened and climbed up from the ground. The hatred in her heart eroded her mind a little bit and gradually became crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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