The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2148: Fanwai's previous life (73)

Chapter 2148 Fanwai's Past Life (73)

When Sima Yan left, Mu Yi did not continue to stay. He finally looked at the closed door of the nine emperors, turned around, and walked out of the door. He soon left.

At the moment, the Qingma Princess had already been waiting in the house, but she waited for a long time before Mu Yi came back, quickly stood up, and walked anxiously towards him.

"How's it going?"

Her expression is unabashed irritability.

Seeing Princess Qingluo coming over, Mu Yi's face was slightly deeper. He sighed helplessly, and the smile on his lips was bitter.

"She ... will not come ..."

In the end, he still reported the truth to Qingluo.

And this has long been expected by Princess Qing Luo.

Therefore, Qing Luo saw Mu Yi like this, but she was not surprised. She sneered, and the sarcastic arc hung on her lips.

"Mu Yi, if she doesn't want to, we don't force her, after all, I have given the opportunity I gave, but she is not sure!"

The **** Mu Xiaojiu not only wanted to **** Mu Yi, she didn't even let her daughter go, so if so, how could she let her go?

A cold flash of light flashed from the bottom of my eyes, with a chill, making people shudder.

Mu Yi's heart was picked, he knew that Princess Qingluo was very angry this time, but Mu Xiaojiu was his daughter anyway, how could he bear it ...

"Qing Luo," Suddenly, Mu Yi thought of Sima Yan's words. He gritted his teeth and said, "What did your majesty say to you before?"

"Why?" She sneered in her eyes, "Do you think my father emperor has said anything else to me? I didn't tell you? Mu Yi, I never thought that I was such a person in your heart! If you are really dissatisfied with me, then you can say it directly! My Qingluo has swallowed this place for you for years. I gave up my glory and pride as a princess. What else do you want? "

Every sentence was questioned with a voice, her eyes filled with anger and disappointment.

Before, Mu Yi did not care about Princess Qingluo, the old lady forced him to marry, and he never cared about her.

But this time, seeing the disappointment in Qing Luo's eyes, his heart was trembling, and he closed his eyes guiltily.

"Qingluo, I don't mean that." His throat was hoarse and hoarse, and he slowly opened his eyes, "I just ..."


Qing Luo raised her hand angrily and pushed away Mu Yi who wanted to get close to her. Her eyes were filled with grief: "You would rather believe that Sima Yan wouldn't believe me? Mu Yi, I Qing Luo asked myself that I have never been sorry these years After you, you still have pity for Mu Xiaojiu, and I do the same. "

"He is your daughter, how could I not accept her? Even I think about it, as long as she is willing to come back, let Qingya let the room out!"

"But, how did you treat me? You not only doubted me, but also broke your elegant heart for Mu Xiaojiu! She only went to Mu Xiaojiu for you, but Mu Xiaojiu treated her like this, you As a father, you have failed to seek justice for her! "

Tears flowed from Qing Luo's eyes, and her voice was a little bit heartbroken.

"No matter how Mu Xiaojiu doesn't like me, I admit, after all, I really robbed you from her side, and it's because of me that the old lady doesn't like her, but ... she wants to run away is her own choice. , Why should you blame me and Qingya for her faults? Her mother is no longer there, and you have to guard her for a lifetime? "

(End of this chapter)

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