The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2115: Fanwai Past Life (Forty)

In this life, he was never afraid of anyone, the only thing he was afraid of was his own mother, Mrs. Mu.

Therefore, when seeing Mu's face, Mu Yiben put up and then put up with it.

"Mother, let's go back and talk."

He groaned for a while and then spoke.

But when he just wanted to help the old lady, the old woman raised her hand and pushed him away. An old face was cold and asked sternly: "Mu Yi, who hurt Princess Qingluo, what should you do? shelter?"

Qingluo went to the wild girl before, and Mu Yi did the same. So, it is self-evident that it was who started the Qingluo.

But he didn't expect that at this time, Mu Yi would protect the girl.

"Mother," Mu Qingya looked at Princess Qing Luo in amazement. She frowned and looked helpless. "How can you be so careless? I remember you seem to be looking for Xiao Jiu sister, how can you Wrestling in front of her? In case my sister thinks that you did n’t eat well in Luomafu, you will fall without strength, so why would your sister be willing to come back? "

Her words were strange, but she had already told the old lady Mu that she had gone to Mu Xiaojiu.

The implication is that the reason why Princess Qing Luo was injured must be Mu Xiaojiu's moving hand.

Even though the old lady Mu had already guessed, now she heard Mu Qingya's words, her brows could not help wrinkling, and her anger was even worse: "This must be the hand that Ono moved, Qingya, at this time You still have to talk for her? Your father is just a jerk! Princess Qingluo's wife is so good that she doesn't know how to maintain it, but she also protects this little wild seed! "

The old lady Mu was shaking with anger and angrily.

The one in front of her was Princess Tianfeng Guo, a golden branch and a leaf, and she had a distinguished status. The Ono could not handle her without law. Mu Yi was also indistinguishable and did not know how to protect his wife.

Qingluo glanced at Mu Yi's shameful face. She turned her head to face Mu Mu, and smiled slightly. The smile was gentle and charming.

"Mother, I do n’t blame Mu Yi for this. I really accidentally fell. You do n’t blame him. Mu Yi treats me very well. He bets with his eyes. He ca n’t hurt me for others. You Don't worry. "

Old Mu Mu snorted: "If you want to convince me that he is not helpless, you will drive that wild seed yourself tomorrow!"

Mu Yi looked up in shock and looked at Mrs Mu Mu stupidly: "Mother!"

He never understood why Xiao Jiu was also her granddaughter, why she didn't like her.

Even if he violated her will, it was him who was wrong. Why should a child bear it?

Over the years, he has owed her a lot.

Now, he just wants to do everything he can to make up for her, isn't it?

He had agreed not to take her back to Luomafu, why did he have to drive away her who had finally come home?

"Mu Yi, if you still want this home and recognize me as a mother, drive her away immediately!" Mrs. Mu with a cold face, "Otherwise, don't go back to my Mu family again! I'll be with you later You broke the mother-child relationship! "

Mu Yi closed his eyes in pain, his expression trembled, and he opened his eyes after all: "Mother, I understand ..."

As a son, in the end, he could only tolerate to his mother.

After all, in this world, he has only one mother.

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