The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2113: Fanwai Past Life (38)

Princess Qing Luo did not put Jiu Di in her eyes, her lips sneered, her eyes were cold and cold, and she looked coldly at the woman who came towards her.

Especially when she saw this stunning face, the coldness in her heart was even worse, even her expression was full of coldness.

Jiudi stopped when she came to Princess Qingluo, her lips rose with a faint smile.

It's just that laughter, less than the bottom of my eyes, makes people shudder.

And within her eyebrows, she was brazen.

"You ..." Qing Luo's face changed, and she was about to speak, but she saw that Jiudi had raised her hand.

In her hand, I don't know when an extra sword was added.

The sword refracted cold in the sun, making people shudder.

Qing Luo's face is ugly. Could this little girl want to do something with her?

Looking at the nine emperor in front of her, she sneered: "Little nine, you think about it. I am not only your stepmother, but also the princess of the Phoenix Kingdom. If you want to do something to me, I am afraid ..."


Jiu Emperor's hand was lifted, and a gust of wind came suddenly. The gust of wind brought a powerful force, and at this moment, Qing Luo's body was lifted out, and even the guards who followed Qing Luo fell to it. Outside the door, Wolverine fell on the street.

She raised her hand again, and the gust of wind closed the door. It was only after the door was closed that the emperor's expression eased a lot, and she sat lazily inside the gazebo.

"Oriental jade, you keep the door, you will not be allowed to take another step in the future, as for the others, I will not see you."

She planned to stay here to find out about her mother's disappearance, but did not plan to deal with these people.

It was a waste of her energy.

Nan Changfeng looked coldly at the place where Princess Qing Luo had just dropped out. With cold mans eyes in his cold eyes, he looked back at Jiu Di. When he saw the smile on the woman's stunning face, his face was also warm. A few minutes.


Dongfang Yu replied respectfully.

Jiu Di was really tired, and she stood up with a stretch of her waist, her eyebrows narrowed slightly, and her eyes looked at where Princess Qing Luo was standing.

"Also, you go and clean here, and incidentally disinfect it."



Outside the house.

Princess Qingluo was thrown out without warning, her elegant face was a little embarrassing, her brows were raised slightly, her face covered with coldness.

But at this moment, a familiar voice came from behind, making Princess Qingluo's body stiff.

"Qing Luo, what are you doing here?"

The voice was so familiar, she pursed her lips, slowly turned her head, and her eyes fell on the middle-aged man standing behind her.

At this moment, the middle-aged man's brows were frowning, and he was a little puzzled, especially when he saw the embarrassing appearance of Qing Luo, his eyes were even more confused.

"Mu Yi, I ..."

She bit her lip and lowered her eyes: "Qingya said that Mu Xiaojiu was back before, but she didn't want to go to Luomafu. I decided to invite her personally. Who knows Xiaojiu ..."

Princess Qingluo's lips were helpless, and her voice was a bit bitter.

"Xiao Jiu seems very resentful to Luomafu, so he is not willing to go back."

Mu Yi frowned, with Xiao Jiu's temper, he really wouldn't want to go back to Lumafu.

But what Mu Yi didn't expect was that Princess Qing Luo would come to personally invite Xiao Jiu home.

She has always been distinguished and high, but she has suffered so many grievances for him. Even if he has never been passionate about her these years, she still considers him as always.

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