The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2108: Fanwai Past Life (33)

Chapter 2108: The Past World

Mu Qingya stopped talking, she lowered her eyes slightly, and no one could see the emotion in her eyes.


Mu Fu backyard.

A sudden angry voice made Mu Yi frown.

He turned his head and saw an old woman walking towards him with a cane, and his old face was full of anger.

"Mu Yi, I heard Mu Xiaojiu's wild seed is back?"

Mu Yi's brow became tighter and tighter, with a little dissatisfaction: "Mother, that's also my daughter."

"What daughter? Did my Mu family admit her existence? I tell you, my granddaughter is only Qingya, and the wild seed is not worthy of entering the gate of my Mu family. If you dare to hurt Qingya's mother and daughter for that wild seed, Heart, I will never let you go! "

The old lady spit, and the crutches in her hands almost fell on Mu Yi's head.

Mu Yi did not evade. His face was not very good-looking, but his voice was not too strong. Instead, he faced the old lady with a certain amount of weakness.

"Mother, no matter how you have opinions, Mu Xiaojiu's body is also the blood of our Mu family, you ..."

"Okay, are you going to be angry and die for a wild seed? I can't do it?" The old lady's crutch hit the ground fiercely, her old face was full of anger, her eyebrows were fierce, "I tell you, you must treat Mu Xiao Jiu was kicked out of the house. You must never see me again in this life, otherwise you will get out of me. I will never allow you to do such a desolate thing for a wild seed. "

Mu Yi stayed awake, he really didn't understand, he just saw a daughter, why did he become a bereavement?

Besides, Xiao Jiu never did anything to miss, just because her mother couldn't enjoy it with her mother, and she didn't even have any status with her.

Had she not treated her that way, she would not have been away from home for many years.

Now he wants to get his daughter back, what's wrong?

"Mother ... I really don't understand why you don't like Xiaojiu so much, she happened to be my own." Mu Yi closed her eyes, her voice sad.

"Because she doesn't deserve it."

The old woman Mu sneered, "How can a wild seed of low life compare to the princess who is above the highest? Qingya is the princess's daughter, who is more noble than her. What qualifications does she have to enter the gate of this horse house, let alone Qingluo The princess disagreed, but she agreed, and I would not allow it. "

This is Luomafu, but it is not a place where wild species can be scattered.

"Furthermore, I heard that you made Qingya sad for this wild species. If it wasn't for the horse guards at the Luma House, I did n’t know that you could harm Qingya for the wild species. I heard that the man beside Yezhong would It ’s not a good thing. It ’s a peep at us, and we do n’t see who he is, who is worthy to marry our house? ”

What is the identity of those who can be with Mu Xiaojiu? Such people also want to marry Qingya, it is simply a lazy man who wants to eat swan meat, whimsical and ridiculous.


Seeing Mrs. Mu's mouthful of a wild seed, Mu Yi's face could not help but pull down, her face unhappy: "That's my daughter, you ..."

"Sure enough, you didn't even listen to my words for wild seeding!"

The old lady Mu was shaking with anger, her body couldn't stand anymore, and her hand holding the crutch was trembling.


She rolled her eyes and fainted towards the rear.

(End of this chapter)

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