The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2102: Fanwai Past Life (27)

Chapter 2102: The Past World Before (27)

When the nine emperor came to Mu Qingya, she paused, her high eyebrows froze the girl in front of her, and even her eyes were cold.

"It seems that your ears have some problems. I have said that my people will never make mistakes."


She raised her hand, and a blast came. In an instant, Mu Qingya's body flew out, fell under the steps, rolled and rolled, and then rolled to the ground.

As soon as the guards got up, they saw Mu Qingya rolled out, her face paled in fright.

If the princesses and horses knew that they were not good at protecting the county, they would end up miserable.

However, before these guards appeared before Jiu Di, they saw that the teenager beside her had already started.

No one even saw how he did it. This group of people had been swept out, and they were stunned and fell to the ground, some of them even lost their strength when they got up.

Perhaps the strength of these two people shocked them. They immediately stood up and could not wait any longer. After raising Mu Qingya, they hurried away.

Jiu Di looked at it lightly, and then looked back, turned and walked towards the seat.

Nan Changfeng followed her with a cold face, as if he was the same for everyone else except the nine emperors.

"I'm hungry, let them have dinner."

"it is good."

Tian Xuan and Dongfang Yu also sat up.

Within a short while, there was a shop second to deliver the dishes.

Perhaps because of Nan Changfeng's sake, Jiu Di didn't have too many surprises about these dishes.

The whole restaurant also quieted down, and those people in the restaurant looked at Jiudi with regret.

No one knows that Mu Qingya is the lord of the dynasty. Her Majesty likes her very much. Now that she has hurt Mu Qingya, she must be unable to get out of this country.

as expected.

Not long after, a line of guards surged in from outside, surrounding the entire restaurant.

Everyone dare not pant even for the atmosphere, for fear of causing trouble.

A middle-aged man entered from behind the crowd. He was well-dressed, handsome, handsome, and full of arrogance.

"Dad, I'm really okay," Mu Qingya followed behind the middle-aged man, with helpless expression in his eyebrows. "I'm just talking to them. Why do you need my father to take a shot? If people know, I thought I did n’t fight them before I went back to sue. I ’m really not inconvenienced. You do n’t have to listen to those people to say more. Let ’s go back. ”

The middle-aged man didn't speak, his gaze glanced, and he stayed on Jiudi and others.

After they came, the others stopped their movements, but they didn't even look at him.

Mu Yi frowned slightly, he patted Mu Qingya's hand gently, and turned to look at the group of people ahead.

At this moment, the woman sitting at the table just turned back, and a fascinating look appeared in his eyes.

That face was very familiar, so familiar that it made his heart beat suddenly.

His steps were hurried and a little hesitant, and he hurried toward the nine emperors.

Seeing him approaching, Nan Changfeng stood up and pulled Jiu Di to his side, his brows frowned slightly, his eyes were cold.

Fortunately, Mu Yi just stood in front of Jiu Di and did not continue to approach. He looked at the familiar face in front of him, and his expression was a little excited.

(End of this chapter)

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