The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2096: Fan Wai Ante (21)

Chapter 2096: The Past World (Twenty-One)

Green bamboo eyes are fast, and the peeling fruit is directly thrown into the water.

Jiudian accidentally stepped on it, slipped under his feet, and flew towards the south Changfeng.

Nan Changfeng stretched out his hand and grabbed Nine Emperor's waist, and he planted himself in the lake.

But his hand was still around Jiu Di and he did not let go.

The lake is clear, so the nine emperors can clearly see the beautiful face of Nan Changfeng in the water.

The distance between the two was close, and her body leaned against Nan Changfeng's bare chest tightly. The warm feeling made her heart beat suddenly, almost jumping out of her chest.

This is the first time she has felt in her life.

It was a teenager who had just been abducted by her.

The emperor's heart panicked, his hand fell on Nan Changfeng's chest, and he pulled him back forcefully. The whole man got out of the lake and sprinkled the lake.

Nan Changfeng followed closely and got out of the water. He smiled brilliantly, but his eyes always followed the nine emperors.

As soon as Jiuti gritted her teeth, she jumped out of the lake. Her dress was already wet against her body, and she walked quickly toward the backyard.

When the nine emperors left, Nan Changfeng's face sank, and his cold eyes glanced at the green bamboo hiding in the tree.

"What do you see?"

Qingzhu paused: "I ... saw nothing."

"In the future, where she is, you are not allowed to show up."

He sneered.

Jiu'er was soaked just now, and her dress was wrapped around her body so that she couldn't let anyone see it.

Even though the green bamboo is only a snake, he is a male snake, so ...

If it wasn't for the sake of his contracted beast, I'd be afraid that his eyes had been destroyed just now.

Green bamboo swallowed subconsciously, and his body was shaking. It just helped the host. Why did the host still be so angry?

"the host……"



The green bamboo leaped from the tree and left in a hurry. The one moving fast was as if someone behind him was chasing him.

After the nine emperors left, they went directly to the room to change clothes.

After changing into a dry dress, her heart fell loose.

However, when she thought of the young man's beautiful face, her eyes were slightly heavier. If Nan Changfeng would inadvertently seduce her next time, if she did something extraordinary, then Nan Changfeng would have asked for it.

As for why it was said inadvertently ...

This Nanchangfeng is not only clean and pure, but it also seems to be indifferent and does not eat human fireworks. Therefore, it must not be intentional, and it must be unintentional behavior.

The door was pushed open by one hand.

Jiudian raised his eyes, and the goal was the young and handsome face.

He was dressed, in white, cold and immortal, and walked in slowly through the door.

When he walked in front of Jiu Di, a smile appeared on his face.

"Changfeng," Jiudian's fingers lightly touched his face. "In the future, if you want to take a bath, in your own room, if you do this in front of me again, I am afraid you will be innocent Guarantee. "

Nan Changfeng smiled: "I've been yours after you picked it up, so no matter what you want to do, I will not refuse."


Jiudi's face turned black.

Does this guy really treat her as a bully?

Bring him back just to find a miscellaneous service, never had other ideas.

If ... he didn't notice so much, if she had other thoughts, it was because of him.

(End of this chapter)

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