The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2093: Fan Wai Ante (18)

Chapter 2093: The Past World (18)

The boy bit his lip, his eyes aggrieved.

"By the way," Jiu Di turned to look at the boy. "What's wrong with my medicine garden? The two little guys who stole it back, look good?"

"Still like that."


Jiudi smiled softly, "Let's go and see my medicine garden."

After she had said this, she walked in the direction of Divine Medicine Zonghoushan.

In this divine medicine sect, there is a place that is forbidden land, which is where the nine emperor's medicine garden is located. There is a black dragon guard on weekdays, which will never let anyone take a step.

The medicine garden at this moment is full of the smell of medicinal fragrance, refreshing and comfortable.

One of the most special places in this medicine garden.

On the surrounding large land, there are only two elixir plants.

One of them is a small red flower, but this flower looks very sharp, and it is surrounded by purple leaves. It seems that it can swallow everyone.

Beside it, there is a small sapling guarding it. This small sapling also grows luxuriantly, and under the pressure of two of them, the surrounding elixir seems to be a little bit weak.

It seems that the aura between heaven and earth has been absorbed by them, but where they are, there is no room for other elixir.

"Not yet grown up."

Jiudii sighed softly and sat down in front of the two elixirs. In her hands, I did not know when an extra porcelain bottle was added, and carefully poured them on the two elixirs.

Under the many flowers, Tengman was born, and Tengman was like a tentacle, gently brushing the face of the nine emperors.

Jiudi smiled, her finger gently touched Tengman, the movement was very gentle, as if she was afraid of hurting it.

Heilong glanced, he turned and walked out, went outside the medicine garden and continued to guard her.

In the breeze, the nine emperor sat next to the elixir, and wondered when he took out a jug with a smile on his lips.

"Fuchen, Qinghan, this time I went out and met a very beautiful young man. He really is the most beautiful man I have ever met. If you saw him, you would definitely like it."

"If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely bring him to meet you, but I don't know when you will grow up."

Her body was lying lazily in the elixir field, and it was spread out in a red coat. It was red and bright. The spirit wine in her hand was poured and poured into her mouth, with a slight arc on the corner of her lips. .

Her smile is amazing for all sentient beings, making it unforgettable.

When the Black Dragon boy came in, he happened to see this amazing scene. He stayed blank, with a fascination in his eyes.

Jiu Jiu is beautiful.

Even the appearance of falling asleep is so amazing.

With a smile on his lips, the boy walked slowly towards the nine emperors lying on the ground.

He stopped when he walked in front of her, his eyes always fell on her stunning face.

If he could follow her for the rest of his life, no matter how much he was asked to pay, he would be happy.

The boy crouched down, and his long fingers stroked toward the emperor's face.

Her skin was smooth and delicate, making the teenager reluctant to move away for a while.

But the next moment, Jiu Di suddenly opened his eyes.

She had a sharp look in her eyes and looked at the teenager coldly.

Jiu Emperor's eyes, for the first time he saw, could not help but hesitated, his heart and liver were shaking.

"Man?" Jiu Di tilted his head, and his voice was lazy.

(End of this chapter)

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