The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2084: Past Worlds (9)

Chapter 2084: Past Worlds Before (9)

But this woman is just a monster ...

After seeing the golden python admitting it, Jiuti Fang stepped down from her body. When she raised her hand, the sword in her hand had disappeared out of thin air, and she sighed expressionlessly: "Go!"

Hearing this, the golden python turned away immediately and never dared to stay.

Maybe this time it has a long memory, and I dare not toss this way in the future.

When the nine emperors turned their heads, they found that Zhang Tianwen and others were pale, with a look of horror in their faces.

"What are you still doing? The unearthed object here was deliberately made by this swallower, just to deceive people, and now you can be considered a vain trip."

Everyone was silent. This time, they were really out of control, and they were deceived by a snake.

Moreover, he almost died in the hands of this snake.

Perhaps the news that the foreign body does not exist has made everyone lose their mind to continue to move forward, and they want to leave when they turn around.

The moment they turned around, the whole ground shuddered, and even before their eyes, a crack cracked in the ground, exposing the magma below.

Hot, uncomfortable.

"There is a volcano underneath?" Jiu Emperor's expression finally hardened, his face changed greatly, "Go!"

Perhaps this sentence made the people present even more frightened. Some even disappeared from the stride. Even more, someone urinated their pants and their legs were shaking.

Jiudi looked at the rolling magma below, and she raised her hand suddenly, and her palm fell heavily on Shen Qingyu's body.

At that moment, Shen Qingyu fell down towards the rear and fell to the sky.

"You go to Yunshan and wait for me."

Shen Qingying's pupils widened suddenly, and the sound of the wind in her ears was loud, accompanied by that domineering sound, making her tears flow down, the last sound, tearing her heart, hersing exhausted.

"Jiudi !!!"

But the people in front of her had not responded to her anymore, and no longer looked at her ...

When she was at a high place, she could only watch the ground crack, and even the ancient beast that had just escaped fell into the magma and was swallowed up by the billowing magma. She could not even keep a word.


"What the **** is going on here? Why are volcanoes hidden in this desert?"

"And the volcano has erupted."

"Why doesn't my volley flight work? I don't greet any treasures anymore. I just want to leave here now. This place is too dangerous, not only with ancient beasts, but also magma."

Unfortunately, as soon as the voice of the last speaker fell, the ground under his feet had cracked, and the whole person fell into the magma.

The hot magma drowned the sound of heartbreaking.

No matter how strong you are or how high your status on the mainland is, there is nothing you can do to meet this natural disaster. You can only wait for death.

If in the past, they could still fly away, but now volley flights have no effect, isn't it waiting for death?

The sky was red against the magma, as beautiful as the sunset, but at the cost of countless lives.

The nine emperor had to step backwards, avoiding the cracked gap. She tried to rise into the air several times, but eventually fell down.

"Someone set up the formation here, the purpose is to make us escape."

The nine emperors narrowed their eyes. It was estimated that the ancient beast had only been used by others. Behind it, there were more powerful people who had hidden it.

(End of this chapter)

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