The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 2078: Past Worlds (3)

Chapter 2078: Past Worlds Before (3)

"Let's go."

Jiudi released his hand and walked slowly towards the outside of the town.

Before she left, she finally glanced at the small town devoured by the flames. She closed her eyes slowly, her eyes full of grief.

This is where she lived since she was a child, but now it is gone.

Xuanmingzong! !! !!

One day, she will revenge the enemies with her own hands, revenge for these lost innocents!

When this remark came to an end, Shen Qingzheng turned around and followed behind the emperor Jiu, heading out of the city gate.

She never glanced at the blaze behind her, but the flame reflected her back, so tenacious.



When she was outside the town, she stopped, her eyes fell on the person in front of her, and her brows revered.

"Just now, thank you for saving me ..."

The nine emperors turned back, with a faint look: "I just raised my hand, you can go."

Shen Qingmao froze slightly. She bit her lip and lowered her head: "I have nowhere to go, can I follow you?"

Jiu Di turned her back to Shen Qingyu, her gaze was looking at the void, and a gust of wind passed by, and the red coat rose in the wind.

"I have countless enemies over the years. If you follow me, you will face countless dangers."

"My life was saved by you, then I'm not afraid of anything. Now, I just want to get revenge from the Xuanmingzong, even if it costs me my life."

Shen Qingzhang raised her eyes, her eyes shone with light.

The light is so dazzling that it is better than the brilliant sunlight.

In the breeze, Jiu Di raised her hand and gently took off the mask on her face. Her long hair was also spread out, and it was lifted up in the wind. The beauty was suffocating.

When she saw that fabulous look, Shen Qingyun's breath followed, and her eyes were stunning.

This face is too amazing, it's all over the country, and it's just as beautiful.

Her face is perfect and flawless, her skin is fair and beautiful, and she is beautiful.

What is even more shocking is that the nine emperors who made a name for themselves on the mainland turned out to be a girl? Still so beautiful.


Is it a woman?

"Will you cook?" Jiudi asked with a frown on his face.

Shen Qing's face turned red, and he bowed his head: "No."


Jiudi's gaze was a little disappointed: "I came out this time to find someone who knows cooking, but I still haven't."

Her tone was a bit lost, and she was so unbearable that she felt so uncomfortable.

"I ... can try it." Shen Qingxuan bowed her head and showed shame.

Jiudi shook his head slightly: "Forget it, I'll go find someone who can cook later."

Hearing the words of Emperor Jiu, Shen Qingxuan panicked and hurried to chase after him. His voice was anxious.

"I can't write now, but I can write, please ... don't leave me in this place. I don't have a home anymore, I'm willing to learn anything."

As long as you can take me away.

Shen Qingying's shoulders were shaking, with a deep sadness between his eyes.

From now on, she has no home ...

Today, Jiu Di and her are the last life-saving straws. If they catch them, they don't want to loose them.

Jiu Di turned his head, looked at the girl behind him, and asked, "What are you still doing? Are you still following me? It's late, we should go back ..."

(End of this chapter)

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