The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1873: He called, South String (2)

Chapter 1873, he called, South String (2)

The wind stood in front of the teenager and looked up at him.

She has been with her for a while, but she always feels that this time is a fake.

Yes, she doesn't know why.

Even in the face of such a long South wind, she felt that he did not exist.

It seems to be... she thought of it?

The wind was like a sigh, and I raised my hand and pinched the boy’s cheek.

Hot, soft, and real.

Yes, this is really a long wind in the South, not the character she fantasized. She just forgot something, so she was so suspicious.

"Sorry, I shouldn't doubt you. I just think that these are too illusory. Even the time I spent with you, I think it is fake..." The wind shook his head and smiled, and she slowly turned around. Looked at the darkness around him.

"And, it’s too boring here, I want to leave!"

When the boy stunned, he lifted his hand and held the arm of the wind, and his eyes were full of grievances.

"Nine children, don't you like me?"

The wind is like a lip, silent.

"Nine children, you promised me at the beginning, I will take me wherever I go, but if you want to leave, you will never see me again. You have the heart to let me be in this darkness? One person?"

The boy’s gaze is sincere and his eyes are full of her.


The wind is falling from his eyes, and she can't see her reflection.

At that moment, the wind raised his hand, and his hand opened his hand.

"You are not a long wind in the south, who are you?"

Her face was cold and shouted.

The young man stunned and looked blank: "What happened to the nine children? I am a long wind. You don't remember the time we used to get along?"

"South Changfeng always listens to me. If I want to leave, he won't let me stay. He will only go with me." The wind tends to approach the boy. "Why, you said at the beginning, you are Just looking for me to come here, why did you become unable to leave?"

The young man is in a hurry and pulls the hand like the wind: "Nine children, what the **** are you doing? Don't scare me, why do you think that I am not a long wind in the south? I am not... have you been living in your heart?"

I am not, have you been living in your heart?

The wind trembled like a heart, and she pressed her head.

I always feel that those things that have been forgotten by her are almost to be remembered.

Just a little bit...

If Nan Changfeng lives in her heart, who is accompanying her?

What she likes, there should be only one talent pair, and there can be no two.

Then... Who is that person?

The wind clung to her head and squatted on the floor. She frowned and wanted to desperately recall all the lost memories.


A call from a distant place, like breaking through all the constraints, crashed into her mind.

Who is calling her?

When did she have a child? Why can't she remember?

"Mother, don't you have summer or summer? Mother, why have you ignored me after I came back..."

Summer and summer?

Summer and summer!

A familiar name...


Suddenly, a crisp voice came from the side.

The wind stood up and turned stiffly.

All the darkness is like a barrier, broken by the punch.

The light fell from the sky, and the whole yard was shrouded in light.

The man came to follow the light, step by step, stepping into her heart.

A white robe, a silver hair, vertical stripes between the eyebrows.

It is also a long wind in the south.


No, it’s not a long wind in the south.

His name is...South String!

(End of this chapter)

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