The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1871: Is he a long wind in the South? (One)

Chapter 1871 is he a long wind in the South? (One)

At this moment, what the wind sees before it is a darkness.

There is no trace of light.

She walked awkwardly in this darkness, as if she could not walk to the end.

But she always felt that something had been forgotten, and no matter how she thought about it, there was no way to think about it.

It seems to be very important, important to the person who made her unforgettable, she was forgotten in a corner.


"Nine children, nine children..."

A cry, like crossing the flood, breaking through the darkness, into her ears.

Nine children...

This title is very familiar, familiar, and makes her heart a little painful.

Oh, right.

She remembered it.

She is the nine emperors, her favorite person is the South Changfeng.

Suddenly, a familiar figure jumped into her eyes.

The young man came with light, a white robe, a silver wire, and he was as beautiful as a god, but his eyebrows were down, but there was a vertical line.

The wind just wants to talk, and one hand pulls over and pulls her firmly into her arms.

"Nine children, I am coming to you."

The wind looked at the man, her brows scorned, and she was very familiar and close to her, but through her face, she could see another identical face.

The difference is that the person has no eyebrows and vertical stripes, and no silver wire.

"South... Changfeng?"

The wind swayed or slowly shouted the name.

This name that once made her unforgettable, regardless of life and death.

The teenager sneered and laughed: "It is me, I am a long wind in the South, I am coming to you."

"Oh," the wind nodded, and the eyebrows became more and more tight. "Where is this? I always feel that I have forgotten something. I have to leave this place. Do you have any way to leave?"

Juvenile lips smile: "Nine children, this is our home, is it not good to stay in this place together?"

"But I vaguely remember, who is waiting for me..."

"The person waiting for you is me," the teenager raised his hand and licked the hair of Feng Fengqi. "Now I am looking for you. Naturally, there will be no other people. Nine children, we will not be able to get together, you can bear it." Abandon me again, leave alone?"

There was a lot of grievances in his eyes, and some pity looked at the wind.

That gaze makes the wind so soft.

Yes, he is a long wind in the south.

It is the person who has to protect her life.

"Changfeng, you remember how I got into this place? Why is it dark except for you, I can't see anything, like being shut down in a world, can't live without it."

She doesn't remember how she came.

Except that she is the Nine Emperor and likes a man named Nan Changfeng, everything else has been forgotten.

Even if she racked her brains, she couldn’t remember.

"Nine children, I don't know why we came, but I know that it is enough to be with you."

The teenager came forward and leaned close to the wind.

His smile is still so moving, every smile is deeply imprinted on her heart.

Let her cross the millennium and never forget.

"But what you want, what is there in this place."

The teenager raised his hand and waved, and a different hospital stood in the darkness.

The courtyard is exquisite and luxurious, like the courtyard where she was on the mountain.

The wind is like a tilting head staring at the other hospital. Her heart is still a little uneasi, and the most loved one is with her, but she always thinks that he is still thousands of miles away.

One, she can't get there for a while...

"Nine children, you are tired, go to rest, rest assured, there is me, no more people will hurt you."

Juvenile eyes are deep and affectionate, just like the year.

Once a teenager, she often looked at her with such a look, making her eternal life hard to forget.

(End of this chapter)

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