The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1867: The wind is like a thing (7)

Chapter 1867, the wind is like a thing (7)


The wind is facing people in all directions.

Xiaoya blocked her for a while, but there were three sides.

The powerful forces gathered together, and they rushed to the wind.

She squirted a blood and fell down.


A heartbreaking voice came from the sky.

When the wind is blurred, it is a black dragon that crosses the sky and comes to her.

The black dragon turned into a teenager in the air. He was dressed in black, and a strong grief poured into his heart, causing the aura in the entire sky to riot.

The people were shocked and stunned, looking at the teenager with a stunned look.

"This dragon... is the apocalypse of heaven and earth?"

Only with the aura of heaven and earth can we have this ability!

There are no other people in the eyes of the teenager.

Among his eyes, all that remains is the wind.

From the blood poured out until the woman’s figure gradually landed...

All the movements became slow in his eyes until they solidified.

As soon as the young man leaned into the wind, he caught the body she was about to land.

At that moment, the voice of the teenager was shaking, and the heart almost stopped beating.

"Jiujiu, I shouldn't run out because I don't want to see you and the wild man show love. I shouldn't leave you. Please don't scare me... I'm wrong, I won't leave anymore, you were thousands of years ago. Abandoned me, you still abandoned me in China, and now, you still have to abandon me?"

"Jiujiu, I know that the news of the accident at Tianyafu I will go back, but I still can't catch up. I beg you, don't leave me alone, I don't want to wait alone for you..."

Above the ancient road, there is a sorrowful anger.

The juvenile is tightly holding the body like a sloping body. It seems that this will make her feel cold.

Xiaoya’s looking at the woman in her arms, a strong anger rose from the bottom of her heart.


Those who have seen the past in the past have never let go of the nine emperors.

Today, these people still do not let her go!

The nine emperors never did anything to miss.

On the contrary, if it weren't for her, the mainland would not pick up the medicinal diet.

If it is not because of her... there will be no more convenient cultivation.

Once, people who like her regard her as a god, and those who don’t like her are called her evil spirits...

But now, these people are only trying to take away her daughter and hurt the **** in her heart.


Xiaoya held her head tightly, and her infinite anger vented her, leaving her pair of scorpions full of blood.


Suddenly, a gust of wind passed by.

The wind in the juvenile's arms was pulled by a hand and broke into the arms.

The **** raised his eyes, and the upper one was a cold face.

What word does this face use to describe when?

Cold... It seems to climb out of hell, without any temperature, and the eyes are with the meaning of killing.

The man's white robe is like a fairy, and the snow is flying.

He looked at the woman lying in his arms in a calm, heart shaped like a sword pierced, painful blood dripping, unable to extricate himself.

He clearly promised that he will protect her life.

But in the end, still let her get hurt...

"the host."

Xiaoqing stretched out the snake's head. After seeing the silent wind, his tears almost came out: "The princess will not die, certainly will not die... Doesn't it all mean that the wicked live for a thousand years? She He is always a wicked person who bullies the snake, and no one will accept her."

(End of this chapter)

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