Chapter 1852 Change (5)

"Nalan, why are you still standing here?"

Feng Lianqing walked slowly from a distance. He saw Nanlu standing on the side, his brow wrinkled, and after a while he remembered the woman in front of him.

"You are not doing what you are doing on your site? Is it true that the South String is not dead?"

Nan Luo’s eyes panic, and the subconscious stepped back a few steps: “I don’t know what you are talking about...”

"Nan Luo, do you really think that the people in our Tianyafu are blind? You see the eyes of the South String are different. You look at his eyes, just like he looks like a younger sister!"

The wind sneered and sneered, and the corners of the lips were ironic.

Nan Luo stepped back a few steps, biting her lips, she never knew that some things have already been so obvious...

She thought she was unknown.

"Fast roll!" The wind was furious and shouted. "Today is the day of great joy. I don't care too much with you, but if you run out again and make waves, don't blame me!"

Nan Luo was pale and his steps back a few steps, his eyes full of horror.

"and many more."

Nalanjing suddenly made a sound, and stopped the steps of Nanluo's retreat.

She licked her lips and looked up at Nalan.

The man looked cold and expressionless, and walked slowly to the side of Nanluo. Suddenly he reached out and smashed the past, and the body of Nanluo flew a few meters away.

"No wonder you provoked my relationship with my cousin in front of me. You turned out to be my cousin! Now you can roll, and..." Nalan net sneered. "Who told you that I am not satisfied with this marriage?" ”

Nanlu shocked his ass, and he looked at Nalanjing with some mistakes.

What does Nalanjing mean... What does it mean?

Unfortunately, Nalan net did not give her the opportunity to speak again, turned to face the wind and clear: "Go, don't you want me to change clothes?"

"Oh..." The wind was a little bit dull, and asked awkwardly, "How do you know?"

Nalan net smiled, his eyes fell on the red robes of the wind and the hands of the clear, the lips curled up in a shallow arc.

However, he did not say a word, stepped into the room...


Looking at Nalan's departure, Nan Luo lowered his eyes and covered the light in his eyes.

It seems that she was wrong at first.

The wind is not for the sake of Tang Yin’s forced marriage to Nalanjing, but for Nalan’s net marriage to Tang Yin...

She does this, and the aunt of Suyi does not care?

Nan Luo stood up from the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. She glanced at the door that had been closed and turned to walk toward the front hall.

In the front hall, there are already guests coming.

Su Yi smiled and stood by, watching the guests who entered the End of the World, with an elegant smile on their faces.

at this time……

A voice came from behind her with a little embarrassment.


Su Yi Emei, turned to look at the side of Nan Luo, the tone of the faint saying: "How come you?"

Looking at the woman standing in front of her, Nan Luo’s eyes were stunned.

In fact, the moment she just met Suyi, she really liked her.

Because, in the South home, only Su Yi will speak for her.


Why is she leaving her?

Obviously knowing that her father is a cruel man, she has to leave her, and she is so bruised and bruised.

If Suyi can take her with her, maybe she will not become like this after all.

(End of this chapter)

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