Chapter 1850 Change (3)

There is a custom in the mainland, and wedding banquets are held in the evening. Now they are in the mainland without returning to the mainland. Naturally, they follow the customs. After the evening, the guests gradually come.

Of course, all this, Tang Yin, who still changes clothes in the room, is unaware of it.



In the room, Qian Ning changed the wedding dress for Tang Yin. The tears she had forbearing almost fell, and a face was full of disappointment: "You look good in this dress."

“Really?” Tang Yin smiled brightly. “Is that little tilting to see if I like me a bit? I also think it’s pretty good, but this wedding dress doesn’t belong to me.”

However, it is indeed an abnormal fit.

Tang Yinang wanted to drag the wedding dress down. Qian Ning had already held her hand and barely smiled: "Miss, let's go out first, the princess asked me to bring you to her, she is still waiting for us. ”

Tang Yin’s eyes are blank, but when she can face Qian Ning, she just nodded. “Well, then let’s go find a little dump now.”

She smiled and took the hand of Qian Ning and went out.



Flowers are beautiful.

Nan Luo walked through the garden and couldn't help but hear a whisper of whispering, but let her stop.

During this time, the wind was busy preparing for the wedding, so she estimated that she had forgotten the person of Nanluo.

Fortunately, Nanlu had not swayed in front of her eyes for a long time, and she simply forgot her.

"I heard that Miss Da is holding a wedding for Tang and Nalan. I have seen it not long ago. Please post their names, but it seems that Tang Yin and Nalan don’t know about it. ......"

"Oh, since they don't know, we don't have to talk about it, lest it be difficult for Missy to do it, but today is the wedding. How can Missy let them worship?"

The two whispered comments made Nanluo pause and stopped. Her eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and her lips sneered.

She finally looked at the whereabouts of the voice and turned to the direction of the backyard.

Not far away.

In the garden, Nalan's fist squatted on the tree, but he did not know the pain, and the face was pale and colorless.

Nan Luo looked at Nalanjing, who was constantly venting. Her lips slowly smacked a smile, but it was fleeting.

Nalan is a cousin of the wind.


She can clearly see that the relationship between the wind and Tang Yin seems to be better.

Since these things are in the middle of Nalan, it proves that Nalan is not trying to hide Tang Yin, otherwise why should he hide him?

Now that Nalanjing is so vented, she must have heard the next person’s argument and learned that he is going to get married today! For this reason, my heart was very unhappy, and the wedding started soon. He never changed his suit.

Nan Luo breathed a deep breath and walked toward Nalan.


The afterglow of the sunset is spread throughout the backyard.

Nalan's fist has been polished out of blood, he is holding a big punch tightly, and the beauty of the face is a pain.

The wedding is about to begin...

He wants to stop, there is no such courage! Can only vent here!

"Nalan son."

A strange voice came from behind, letting Nalan's frowning, turning her head and looking away, the sight fell on the girl.

He thought for a moment and didn't think about who this is.

(End of this chapter)

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