Chapter 1846 found him (a)

Mountain forest.

Within the old mansion, a painful snoring sounded.

This sound is like a wolf, heartbreaking, and the sound is ringing throughout the forest.

The girl stood outside the door, listening to this voice, her heart was stunned, her distressed face was pale and pale...


A powerful flame broke out from the room and destroyed the entire house. Only the young man stood in the room. The thin Tsing Yi was so conspicuous that it seemed to be the most beautiful scene in this courtyard.

The girl's body was swept away by this force, and the wolverine fell to the ground. She spurted a spurt of blood and looked stunned.


Always like the wind, still did not let her back.

Even if she was unable to get close to the moment, she could just look at her quietly here.

Watching him wake up from madness...


The young man opened his eyes, and his eyes had a black flame burning, as if to burn his last sensibility.

But at that moment...

In his mind, there is a smile of the city.

As if he is already ingrained in his heart, he will never forget.


He clenched his fists and slammed his breath, and it seemed that he could only keep his reason.

If one day, he forgot her, then the purpose of his strength will no longer exist.

Just like the summer of China.

Losing her, his life will never have a goal.

Stronger strength, more money, than her smile, a word...

When the girl stood up, the ear was a whisper of the wind, like a thorn, tied to her heart, so that her face could not help but show a smile.

No matter how long she spends with her, he can never forget the other woman, that is, the woman has been married as a woman, he still remembers...


She just wants to look at him behind her.

He is thinking of others, then she will follow him.

Watch for the rest of your life.

Suddenly, a light breeze passed.

Not far from the sky, a white gown crossed the sky and landed in the courtyard.

It is a handsome man like a fairy. He is so beautiful that everything in the world is eclipsed. A pair of scorpions are as cold as a moon, white is light, and ink is flying.


His voice is even more beautiful, like Qingquan.

However, the girl was only amazed, and she came back. She quickly stepped forward and blocked the man: "Who are you? Looking for the windboy?"

There are too many enemies in Feng Gongzi. Recently, for a woman to move to Nancheng and Nine Gates, she was afraid that the people in front of me would come to look for trouble.

The man looked at the girl coldly, without a word, his body flashed, like the same gust of wind, in the blink of an eye to the windy side.

The wind is a little weak and open your eyes.

Into the purpose is a familiar face.

Familiar enough to make his heart panic.


Why is he appearing in this place? Does that also mean dumping her...

"Do you really think we don't know anything?" The South String walked down from the air and looked blank. "You sent someone to stare out in the darkness of the End of the World. I have already discovered it. I have been here for a while. Looking for you outside, she thought that it was you, and I was not sure. Now that I saw you, I was finally convinced."

The wind blew down the scorpion, and the bitter smile was on the corner of his mouth: "She still... know me so well."

(End of this chapter)

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