The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1839: Both the South and the Nine Gates were attacked (2)

Chapter 1839, both the South and the Nine Gates were attacked (2)

The elder Qin smiled slightly.

Inheritance is not only the inheritance of Nanchangfeng's talent, but more importantly, it is the best chance to prove the young master.

At that time, if the world knew that the ancestors of the South had returned, it would be of great benefit to the South.

"Yes, the owner."

The elder Qin arched the arch fist and took it back.


at the same time.

In the Nine Gates, the old man of the gray cannon stood calmly, his face was cold, his brow was light and wrinkled.

I don't know why, in the past few days, he has always had some restlessness, and he always feels that something is going to happen...

"Sir, Lord!"

Suddenly, an anxious voice came from outside the door.

The Grey Gun Lord turned his head and looked at it. He suddenly saw a disciple from the Nine Gates stepping in. His voice was crying. "Yu, the disciples who have gone through this time have all been taken away."

"Is it taken?" The gray guns of the stalwart face sank and asked, "Who did it?"

"The disciples are not clear. Those people only let me come back. The other brothers and sisters have all been taken away." The disciples crying red eyes and tearing their heart. "Sir, how to do this." ?"

The gray guns of the sacred face are cold and sinking, and a cold awn is drawn in the eyelids.

Even someone who dares to take away his nine doors is really daring! What you want!

"Those who put you back, do you want to come back to convey what?"

"Yes, yes," the disciple was full of tears. "The group of people dropped a word. In the future, the nine people will dare to appear outside. He will see one killing one. Even if he does not kill it, he will take it back. slave!"

The gray guns and the sturdy face of the face, Li Qing, screamed: "A big courage, come! Let's immediately inform the people of Nine Gates to rescue the disciples under the door. By the way, check again, who dares to yell with me!"

Nine doors are now in this son, and have never been so humiliated. No matter who dares to yell at the nine gates, he will certainly let him regret his life!

When Qiu Huigang walked outside the door, he heard the words of the gray guns, and she sneered, and her heart could not tell the joy.

Even if they are the same as the nine-door sage, since these people are going to take the summer and summer...

She will never see them again!

Therefore, Qiu Hui did not say a word, she turned and walked in the direction outside the hospital.


The South and the Nine Gates have played a pivotal role in the mainland. Therefore, the disciples of these two forces have been killed outside, and it has been known for a while.

When the news reached the wind and the ears, she paused, and her heart faintly raised an inexplicable mood.

I always feel that this is not so simple...

"Look, you found out?"

The South Strings stepped into the wind, and his handsome face showed a warm smile like jade: "In recent days, I have seen several people sneaking around our South House."

"Well?" The wind was squatting and looking at the man beside him.

"One of them is a South family and should be related to Nanluo."

Since the moment Naluo appeared, they have noticed that she will not come for no reason, and she will be sure.

After the appearance of the Nanjia spies, they suddenly understood.

I can't help but feel that the wind is ridiculous.

When the South had done so much damage to Nanluo, at the end of the day, Nanluo was still thinking about the South, and even... not helping Nanfang.

She really doesn't know whether to say Nanluo filial piety, or... stupid...

(End of this chapter)

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