The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1835: Wait for an opportunity

Chapter 1835 waits for an opportunity

The south chord is lightly flashing, and the arms are lightly wrapped around the wind.

"You remembered?"

"Having a dream, but it is only that one."

The wind slid slowly and closed her eyes. After half a sigh, she slammed open: "In that dream, I also saw summer and summer..."

The southern string brows are lightly wrinkled, and the wind is quiet as if it is pouring.

The wind turned to look at the courtyard behind him: "The name of Chiyou is what she used in the past. In that dream, the nine emperors promised her, and she will wait for her to come back to her again later, so she came... My daughter is always with me."

In the dream, even the nine emperors did not say anything, but she felt her guilt and pain.

If she can come early, maybe she can save Chiyou.

Unfortunately, not.

She came late, after all, is back to heaven.

"And, the pool of the past life, is the person of the Tianling people."

Tianling people?

Nan string eyes sink: "This is why the nine doors want to catch her?"

"Well, it should be..." The wind is like a slap in the face. "Nine doors should know something, so I want to take care of summer and summer. I don't care what the summer and summer were. I am my daughter, this life, then I I must watch her grow up."

The South String looked at the woman's firm look. He smiled slightly and raised his hand and gently touched the forehead that touched the wind.

"You have provoked a lot of peach blossoms in your previous life..."


"The southern wind was really useless, but it didn't stop your peach blossoms, so it was flooding."

South Changfeng...

These three words, falling on the heart of the wind, let her heart tremble again.

Her fingers licked her temples and her eyebrows were close.

But she still can't remember...

Fortunately, the wind is not so obsessive. If you can’t think of it, you don’t think much.

Regardless of the past nine emperors and the South Changfeng, she only understands that she needs to cherish, only the South String.

The wind clasped the man in front of the wind, and smiled on the stunning face. She picked up her toes and a soft kiss fell on the man's lips...

Under the light wind, the hair of the two men entangled in the wind, and the two people who embraced and kissed were more perfect... like the same painting.

Anyone can't bear to bother.


In the past few days, Nan Luo has been training, but he has not come out as a demon.

The smell of the entanglement on her body is long-lasting, and people are retreating.

But she just stepped out of the courtyard and saw the pair of fairy monks in front of the peerless words. Her eyes stayed, and even the breathing was a bit heavy...

Obviously... She has been disappointed, but after seeing this scene, there is still some bitter pain.

If the aunt of Suyi did not leave the South, then will the South String be born in the South?

Then he... The first person to know must be her, the person who likes it, and it will be her, and there will be no second person.

Nan Luo dropped his throat and covered the sadness and pain of his eyes.

Unfortunately, if not...

Because of her aunt's departure, she lost this opportunity.

Finally, I looked at the two people hugging in front of me. Nan Luo bit his lip and turned and walked away.

Her steps were awkward, her face was pale, and there was pain between her eyes.

But Nan Luo understands that if she goes up now, she will certainly not be able to ask.

But that's okay……

She can wait, wait for a great opportunity...

(End of this chapter)

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