Chapter 1820 Wanted Order?

Nalan was staring at Nalan, who was drifting away from the void, and he stood sideways, blocking everyone.

At this moment, the man's thin and long body shape was so tall for the first time.

Like a giant mountain, for all the people he cares, it will stop all the scorching sun and the storm.

Zhang Tianlei looked at Nalanjing, who had blocked everyone. His eyes had gradually revealed his killing intentions. His fists seemed like a storm, and he slammed into the chest.

Nalan net could not withstand such a powerful force, he spurted a blood, and the body flew backwards and fell into the crowd.

The line of sight in front of him was gradually blurred, and his eyes were bright, and the delicate and beautiful face appeared in his mind. It was so beautiful and lovely...



He gradually closed his eyes.

In this life, he can no longer protect her.

There was a burst of disappointment in my heart, and his heart was stunned and some pain was unbearable.


In the void, Nalan’s last glance, the Nalan’s body flew out like a string of arrows, fell to the ground, and could no longer climb.

Her tears were on the spot, tears fell from the air, with despair and sorrow.


This voice, full of endless grief, some screaming, like this sentence shouted, has exhausted all her strength.

No matter how she called, the people on the ground never looked up at her again...


Zhang Tianlei sneered and walked to Nalanjing's side, coldly looking down at the man lying on the ground, with a sneer in his mouth. He raised his hand again, and a long sword stood in his hand.

"Do you think that she can escape without it? No one can escape from the hands of my Zhang Tianlei."

His ironic smile crossed the front of Nalan.

But as he was chasing Nalan's nephew, one hand held his leg tightly.

Zhang Tianlei turned to look around, his eyes fell on the man's pale and colorless face, cold and calm voice: "You have not died yet?"

"No... go to her..."

The man's voice is weak, like the whole person has no strength, but even so, he still firmly grasps Zhang Tianlei's legs, and does not let go.


Zhang Tianlei once again fell down with a blast: "You want to die, then I will send you another ride!"


The blood in Nalan's mouth was constantly spit out. He felt the pain in his chest and his hand almost lost his strength.

However, as soon as he thought of Nalan's brilliant smile, his heart became more and more determined, and he used it again.

Zhang Tianlei looked down at the man lying on the ground, and said with a blank expression: "You go to catch Lancome, I will solve him."

"Yes, the city owner."

The guards arched their fists and left.

Nalan net coughed out a blood.

At this time, Nalan's nephew has lost track in the sky. These people want to chase after they can catch up. As long as he can drag Zhang Tianlei enough...


Zhang Tianlei slammed the past and turned Nalan's net to the ground.

His eyes were stunned and stern, and he stepped forward to Nalan's clothes.

"Do you know that you are looking for death!"

Nalan net closed her eyes, and his mouth was covered with blood: "I only know that peace is enough for my nephew, and my life is in exchange for her worry-free, enough."

(End of this chapter)

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