The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1811: Is it a dog? (two)

Chapter 1811 is a dog? (two)


Nanlu gave a cry of heartbreaking, and the painful face was green. She looked at the back of the hand that was bitten and bleeding. A pale face was pale and beautiful. I saw pity.

Little Loli snorted and loosened her teeth. She rubbed the blood on her teeth and vomited and screamed at her face.

"Not good, tooth decay."


This little girl is not a dog?

Nanlu put the back of her hand behind her. She bit her lip: "I didn't mean it at first. My brother forced me to do this. If I don't follow it, he will tell my mother, I can't help, as long as you can forgive me. Let me do whatever I want."

Little Loli looked at Nan Luo sideways and seemed to think about her words.

Nanlu saw the expression of Xiao Loli's contemplation, and thought that there was a play. Her heart was happy, and her face raised a bright smile.

"That's alright," Xiao Loli sighed. "If you roll away, I will forgive you."

Nan Luoyi, some unbelievably looking at the little Loli, can't believe it, these words will be a child can tell.


In summer and summer, I turned to look at the south string, and my mouth was slightly stunned: "Summer and summer are hungry, want to eat meat."

Nanxian frowns: "You are too fat, can't eat any more."

As the thunder and lightning rolled, the young body of Nanluo froze.

For a moment, she fell into the darkness, full of despair.


He said she is fat!

In the summer and summer, I opened a small skirt and pinched the flesh of my stomach with my fingers. Wow, I burst into tears.

"I don't eat meat. I will only eat spiritual medicine in the future."

She is actually fat!

If you see a big dog in the future, the big dog will never move her back.

No, you must lose weight!

In the summer and summer, tears hang from the corner of her eye. Her small mouth squats down, slamming down from the stone and rushing in the direction of the backyard.

"Mother, I am fat, hehe... I have to take medicine, the kind of weight loss."

Looking at the figure of summer and summer like a small butterfly seems to disappear from the front, the heart of Nanluo finally put down.

I don't know why, this is obviously a two-year-old girl. When she faces her, she can't help but feel flustered.

It seems that as long as summer and summer exist, she can't get close to the South String.

"The son," Nan Luo lowered her head. She nervously twisted her sleeves and felt uneasy. "I am really sorry, I have done too much sorry for my aunt. I am a daughter and I should be forgiven for him. In the future, I will Will stay here forever to take care of my aunt and summer and summer."

Nan Liang’s faint gaze finally fell on Nan Luo’s body, his brow wrinkled: “Would you stay here forever?”

"Yes." Nan Luo bit his lip. "Only, I can forgive my sin."

The face of the South String suddenly became dark, and he raised his hand and pulled out a gust of wind.

Under the defense of Nanluo, she flew out of the whole person and fell outside the wall.

The handsome face of a man is cold and cold, and the cold eyes are vaguely carrying a storm.

"If it is not for you to stay, you can't step into the end of the world! What's more, you still want to stay here forever?" The man with one hand and a low tone, "we don't need you to sin, because... ...South Square will be destroyed sooner or later."

Xiaoqing was lying in the lake, and after hearing the words of the South String, he slowly opened his eyes and yawned lazily.

Nanluo can force the owner to force so many words, showing that the owner is unclear.

(End of this chapter)

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