The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1801: Father recovery (5)

Chapter 1801 Father Rehabilitation (5)

Blood stained the earth.

It is also the people of the South House who stood in front of the plain clothes, but when they saw the robes that were reddish with blood, she always looked blank.

If at the beginning, this group of people was blinded by Nanfang, they could stand up and explain the truth in the father. They still chose the Nanfang after the choice.

They... are destined to be enemies with her.


The face of Liu Yi and others has changed. Not to mention the giant pot, the power of a small soul makes them unbearable.

If the owner is not strong enough, maybe...

Today they can't stop the departure of Suyi.

"South String."

After the wind gave the group to the giant pot and the little soul, she flashed and stood on the side of the south string.

"Don't delay, let's get out of here first."

With their current strength, it is still difficult to fight against the South. It is imperative to leave quickly.

"it is good!"


A wind in the sleeves of the South Strings blocked the South Square from the front.


His hand caught the waist of the wind, and the white clothes flashed. In an instant, he came to the front of the plain clothes. He raised his hand and pulled her arm and dragged it to the sky not far away.

The speed of the South String was too fast. It was as soon as Suyi was smashed with a head, and one of them hit the tree. Her eyes were staring at Venus and she was dizzy.

But she still hasn't waited for her to react. The South String screamed at her and ran away. In a moment, only one afterimage was left.

Nanfang’s face changed greatly, and he was about to catch up. The giant pot slammed toward him.

His face sank, and the long sword in his hand swayed a gust of wind and flew the giant pot out for a distance.

Why is this pot hard as iron, just flew out of the cockroach, and quickly came, the body shape has become huge, once again blocked the figure of Nanfang...

"Get out!"

Nanfang was so angry that he couldn't find the plain clothes and never allowed her to leave him again.

The giant pot was also angry, and a bang slammed toward the south square.

When he was about to get to Nanfang, Nanfang’s figure flashed to the sky not far away.

The giant pot squatted on the ground, set off a strong storm, and also pulled out a huge pit on the ground...


Nanfang Tieqing looked at the back of the clothes that had disappeared, and the angry fists lingered on the tree.

"Crush this pot to me, and then kill this soul!"

This group of **** people, he will never let Su Yi escape the palm of his hand.

The little soul stood not far away, staring coldly at the group of old men who had been besieging him, with a sneer in his mouth.

His body gradually became vain, and then disappeared like a gust of wind.

Because he is the sword of the black sword, he will automatically catch up after leaving the black sword for a certain distance. Therefore, if the wind is tilted, he will be thrown alone in this place.

As long as they flee, he can follow.

The giant pot saw that the little soul had already left, and it did not continue to stay. The slamming flew up, the speed was like lightning, and disappeared without a trace.

Nanfang: "..."

His angry face was a little distorted and horrible.

Slowly, he turned his eyes to Nanluo, and the anger at the bottom of his eyes was so obvious that he could burn her.

Nan Luo was so shocked that his face was white and he stepped back a few steps. His eyes were full of panic and ignorance: "Hey, I..."


A slap in the face smashed the past.

The whole face of Nanluo was swollen, and the tears burst out, but he bit his lip and did not slam.

(End of this chapter)

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