The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1782: Father is not going to work (5)

Chapter 1782, Father is not going to work (5)

At the moment he fell, he saw the hand that was slowly recovered from the white man who was as beautiful as a fairy.

Immediately, he did not seem to have anything to happen. He calmly passed by him, his face was cold and his face was expressionless.

"Mother," Xia Xia turned her head, her eyes seemed to have stars shining, smiles bright, innocent, "Is it going to see Grandma soon?"


Perhaps it is the plain clothes, the wind is like a sloping mouth, but it is shallow, and it is quickly released.

I have been thinking about it for two years...

In the blink of an eye, she left the Lunar New Year for two years, and she did not meet them for two years.

I didn’t expect Suyi to find it...

Xia Xia showed a lovely smile, then lowered his head: "But, did not meet the grandmother."

"It doesn't matter," the wind touched the cute little nose of summer and summer: "She will give you a face-to-face ceremony."

"Okay," Xia Xia smiled and turned his eyes into a crescent moon. "Is it delicious?"

"Probably Phoenix..."

The wind is like a smile, and the white phoenix is ​​inseparable from the plain clothes, so no matter where he goes, he is bound to follow him...


At this time in the South, after a loud noise, Nan Suyi stepped back a few steps, her mouth overflowed with blood.

Everyone in the South has surrounded her in the middle, and the water around them is not clear.

Bai Feng looked down at the plain clothes surrounded by everyone, so lonely and lonely, as if everyone is enemies with her, and she is always one person...

At that moment, Bai Feng’s heart was pumping, and the pain was a little bit worse.

Its plain clothes are so good, why is there always someone who bullies her?

Muling used to be like this, so is the current South...

It is clearly worth everyone to treat her with the best of everything!

The blood splashed from the arm of Suyi, and it was also the eyes of the white phoenix.

Its scorpion gradually became red, and a loud phoenix sounded throughout the South, with grief and anger.


In the city.

The South String suddenly stopped and looked at the place where the sound of Fengming came from far away. The beauty of the face suddenly changed.

"That is... Bai Feng?" The face of the wind has changed. "It must be that Suyi and Baifeng have an accident, go!"

When the words fell, she picked up the summer and summer, and her body shape was like a wind. The blink of an eye went to the sky not far away...


After the home of the South House, Bai Feng issued this mournful sound of Fengming, the whole person rushed to the bottom, with strong anger and hate, can not wait to burn this group of people with flames.

When Nanfang was in the middle of the room, he saw a hot fireball rushing toward him. His face changed greatly and he hurried back.


The long sword hurriedly lifted up and blocked the white phoenix that flew.

The strength of Bai Feng has grown so badly that Nanfang’s face is dignified.

"White phoenix?" Su Yi looked stunned and looked at Bai Feng wrongly.

Bai Feng turned his head and looked at Suyi: "Go to the father of the South, go quickly, I will block everyone for you."


"Suyi, from the day I met, I will swear, no longer let anyone bully you, whether it is Muling, or other people, what you want to do, you do what you want, all I can stop you for the disaster."

If there is a storm, then I will use my body to block you, just willing to give you a sunny day.

(End of this chapter)

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