Chapter 1767 Big Dog? (six)

The big eyes contain tears and water.

"Or, the big dog tells a story, and the mother will tell the story to sleep."

tell a story?

The Silver Wolf King is a little embarrassed. The opposite is the watery eyes of the little girl. It has a soft heart: "Well, I used to have a mountain, and there is a silver wolf in the mountains..."

"No, it’s a big dog."

"..." The silver wolf king's face was cramped, but in order to marry the little ancestor, he changed his mouth. "There is a big dog in the mountains..."


The moonlight is cold.

Covered the entire hill.

The moonlight fell down and fell on the soft skin of the little girl.

Time has not known how long it has passed, and the silver wolf has finally stopped the story. He whispered, looking at the tears in the corner of the little girl's eyes, sticking out his tongue and gently adding tears to her.

"Human little girls are trouble..."

Still sleepy.

The Silver Wolf King sighed and slammed the little girl into her arms and warmed her with her arms, fearing that the wind of the night would make her catch cold...

This night, the Silver Wolf King did not fall asleep well.

The little girl was not honest, she liked to make troubles, and almost fell asleep on the ground when she fell asleep. For this reason, the silver wolf could not sleep at all, and could only watch the little girl.

Fortunately, the sky is bright and fast, and soon dawn has arrived, and the sky has also exposed the white belly...


For a few days, the little girl followed the silver wolf, ate and drank well, and even slept very well.

I don't know if the outside world is looking for her and she is going crazy.

In the tent below the mountain, the wind was as hot as an anxious. Far away, she saw Fuchen and Nanxian coming in and rushed forward and asked: "How can I find summer and summer?"

A few days ago, Fu Chen came here, and those people had already lost their tracks.

The south string and the wind are like the chase, but the valley is huge, the terrain is sinister, and I want to find someone who has no intention of finding a needle in the haystack.


Fu Chen personally chased them to the valley, and then chased it.

This is not the way to Nine Gates, the road to Nine Gates is in the other direction.

It must have been those people who were afraid to expose the nine doors before they wanted to leave Fuchen and leave.

At the end of the valley, there is no road. They are going to the nine gates, and they are bound to go down the mountain.

Therefore, when the wind is chasing after it, it is blocked under the mountain, so that Nanxian and Fuchen enter the mountain to search.

Fu Chen licked his lips: "We found the bodies of the two people on the mountain, but there is no sister."


The wind is like a sigh: "The two people who stole the summer and summer... died?"

"Yes, dead, it seems to have been smashed by the spirit beast. I suspect that my sister has also been taken away by the beast."

When Fu Chen fell, the wind was like a swaying body, and almost fell to the ground. Her face was pale and said: "Since they are dead, it is useless to stay here, and I will be with you. Going to the mountains to search, I must find her!"

Fu Chen did not speak, and dropped his throat.

Before he tried to search with his mental power, he couldn't find his sister. I don't know where she was picked up...

Or maybe, when the spirit beast and the two men fight, she sneaked away?

The wind is not saying a word, the body shape flashes, the rapid disappearance in the tent, and soon appeared on the hill not far away...

Nanxian did not hesitate, but also chased it up and stood beside her.

Ps: I wanted to finish sleeping, but at this point, my mind started to get confused~ I went for a few hours, then set an alarm clock and sent the remaining four chapters before 4 pm, the body could not stand Up...

(End of this chapter)

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