Chapter 1746 Two Years (13)

The face of Nanfang is instantly blue.

Are you married?

Who dares to grab his woman in Nanfang? If it is detected by him, she must not let her die!

"Suyi sister," Wei Weipi laughed at the meat, "Let's go, I have already made people clean up the room for you."

Suyi did not speak, and walked slowly from Wei Wei. From the beginning to the end, she did not look at her. The indifferent eyes made Wei Wei’s face change.

She is still the case.

As if more than twenty years ago, a pair of high-profile appearance.

I don't know who the Qing Gao is in the end. Doesn't she understand that she is now a trustee?

Wei Wei was angry again, and he did not swear in the face of Nanfang. She was blue with a face behind the plain clothes.

Originally, she was angry and just walked into the South, and happened to meet the South African feathers with tears on her face.

South African Yu Wow burst into tears and threw himself into Wei Wei’s arms.

"Niangqin, sister, do not take me out to play, but also to bully me, help me beat her!"

Wei Wei’s face pulled down, hugged the little boy in his arms, and looked up, and saw the girl Nanlu walked into the yard.

Nan Luo saw Wei Wei's return, and paused. She just wanted to retreat. Wei Wei took the stick and went to the front of Nanluo. A stick of cockroaches hit the arm of Nanluo.

"I want you to bully your brother and let you bully your brother!"

Nanlu’s eyes were red and he didn’t dare to cry: “I didn’t bully him...”

"Then why don't you take him out to play?"

"I... I am afraid that he will be in trouble." Nan Luo's voice is very small.

Wei Wei angered again to lift the stick, just want to fall again, a sound of not cold and not light, with a sneer: "It seems that you have not changed in the past few years, I thought that after you become a South Korean wife, the temper will have some Convergence, the results have intensified, even my own daughter has not let go, such a person, you are a mother?"

If she has a daughter, she can't wait to be afraid of it in her mouth. If she is afraid of falling in her hand, how can she bear to beat her for a son?

But although she does not have a daughter, she has children...

The kind of heart that hurts her daughter, she still exists. Don't say that she is going to fight for the South String. Even if she is wrong, she can't stand the South String.

What's more... Nanluo and South African feathers are the children of Wei Wei.

"Enough!" Nanfang's face was cold, and he screamed. "Look at what you look like now, like a shrew! Don't hurry up!"

Wei Wei’s hand holding the long stick was stiff, and finally she let it go. She left with the South African feather and never said a word.

Nan Luo looked up and her eyes fell on Suyi's body.

The woman is light and dusty, beautiful like a fairy, and this temperament, she recently... I have seen it in another person.


Also thought of the handsome man like a fairy, Nan Luo licked his lips, bowed his head, a look of pity.

Suyi did not take a look at Nanluo. She spoke, but she could not understand Wei Wei.

In her eyes, the daughter is used to hurt.

But this little girl is also too weak, not like her family, if it is changed to a slap... I have already regained my hand, even if I can't beat it, I will not stay in this home again.

This is the case with the temperament, and will never be bullied.

"Thank you...thank you..."

Nanlu finally raised his courage to look up and sincerely looked at Suyi: "I really thank you..."

(End of this chapter)

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