The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1739: Two years (six)

Chapter 1739 Two Years (six)

Qing Han’s little face suddenly collapsed: “You want to buy my sister?”

"No, no," the girl hurriedly shook her head. "It is a few days. We will stay in this city for a few days. When you leave, you will return your sister to you. Of course, I will pay." ”

"Do not give, let go!"

Xiao Qinghan snorted.

She stayed with her sister all day, not enough, and gave it to others?

No, my sister is what she hoped for a long time!

The girl was anxious, but before she continued to block the departure of Qinghan, the South African feathers had already ran towards the summer and summer, and opened their arms: "Little sister, hug..."

Qing Han’s face changed. She was in front of the summer and summer. She lifted her foot and slammed her foot and smashed the South African feathers.

"You don't know shame, a boy actually ran over to hold a girl! Shameless, bad goods!"

The boy was caught off guard and was slammed on the ground. He wowed out and cried, and the cry rang across the street.

"I want a little sister, hey, little sister..."

The girl's face is white. In the south, except for the old man, everyone is patriarchal.

If the brother to go out a little mistake, parents will severely beat her!

What's more, everyone in Nancheng is saying that the younger brother is the reincarnation of the South Changfeng, and there is a secretary to prove that if the younger brother is hurt, the people in Nancheng will not let her go...

"Xiao Yu!"

The girl hurriedly walked to the South African feathers and lifted him from the ground. His face was pale and asked: "What happened to you? Can you be injured?"

This time, South Africa’s Yu Xu was anxious, and a slap in the face fanned the fan’s face.

The girl licked her lips and did not get angry. Instead, she said better and better, "Do you forget it?"

"I don't care, she won't let me hug, just take her away! If you are a prostitute, you will definitely follow me, you useless things, you are not my sister! Wow!"

The little boy cried louder and attracted everyone’s eyes on the street.

The girl felt very embarrassed, but she did not dare to go away, but she could only walk to the front of Qinghan with her scalp.

"Little girl, you... can you give me a good condition? My brother really likes her. As long as you put forward the conditions, I promise." Her eyes pleaded with a real radiance.

The guards of the South House have also been surrounded, surrounded by Qing Han and Xia Xia.

"Bad man!" Summer and summer did not have to be scared, she took the hands of Qinghan, the voice of milk, "Sister is a bad guy!"

Qing Han licked his lips and slammed, and countless vines spread out from the ground, and instantly tied the group of guards into the air.

The girl’s face was white and her eyes were a bit flustered: “You...”

This time, the strength of the guards he brought out is not weak, but this little girl...

The group of people above the street, who do not know the identity of Xia Xia and Qing Han? Seeing these people want to buy the little girl of the generals, they could not help but laugh.

"Girl, do you know the identity of these two little girls? They are the daughters of the generals of the End of the World, such as the daughters of the world. You don't count yourself, dare to treat them like this in Supreme City."

"Ha ha ha, I don't know who will not be afraid, but who knows their identity, who has the courage to do this kind of thing?"

"And... this general government has a great reputation in Wushangcheng. If we are outside, we will not be offended. Otherwise, we will wait for it to be attacked by the group!"

(End of this chapter)

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