The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1735: Two years (two)

Chapter 1735 Two Years (2)

She continued to use the name of Chiyou because of the past life of the little guy.

And summer and summer... then listen to some.

Xiao Qinghan blinked his eyes: "After that day, is there spring, summer, autumn and winter?"

"It is not impossible." The soft eyes of the South String fell on the wind, "When are we going to spring, summer, autumn and winter?"


The face of the wind is black, give birth to spring, summer, autumn and winter?

How many people did the nine emperors’ past lives provoke? Can you get together?

"Right," the wind seemed to think of something, and picked up the eyes and looked at the horizon. "Grandpa, you are arranging people to stare at Rong Qi. I don't know if his words are true or not, so I still need to keep my eyes open."

"I know."

Indeed, they just listened to what Rong Qi said. It’s true or not. I can’t judge it. The most insured thing is to keep him on the ground to avoid any moths...

At the moment, Nancheng Nanjia, Nanfang Tieqing had a face, standing inside the ancestral hall, his fists were tightly held, and powerful forces rushed out, and a bang, left on the wall of the temple. A big hole.

Behind him, a group of people shivered, afraid to speak, for fear of touching his brow.

"End of the World!"

He gnawed his teeth with anger at his eyes: "I will check immediately, why these soul cards are invalid, what the end of the world has done to these people!"

The failure of so many soul cards is bound to be done by the end of the world.

It also proves that the people he sent were not only annihilated by the whole army, but even... the Tianya grandparents who have not yet been able to kill!

Damn the horizon!

One day in the morning and evening, he will let him fly away, and never live forever!


at this time……

A dignified voice came from behind Nanfang, and the sound was elegant.

Nanfang turned his head and his eyes fell on the beautiful woman who stepped forward.

This beautiful woman is very beautiful, and she has not left too many traces on her face. Her smile is full of gentle light.

"How come you?" Nanfang frowned.

Every time I saw her, his mind could not help but reveal the face of Nan Suyi.

The people in front of you are really beautiful, but compared with Nansu clothes, there are still some gaps...

"I heard that this time the South has lost a lot of masters. I specially came to see it." Wei Wei smiled. "If you continue to do so, it will be difficult to protect the hearts of those in the South."

On weekdays, Nanfang did a lot of things, all for the South.

These people saw the benefits and naturally supported him.

But if... Nanfang takes advantage of the lives of the people of the South, those who do not say anything, there will be some opinions in the heart.

Nanfang’s face was so heavy that he sighed: “Shut up, these things don’t need you to say more, I know this way.”

Wei Wei sneered: "If you know how to deal with it, you shouldn't have to give medicine to Nan Su, and I was almost noticed by that old thing! If it wasn't for me, would you think you could deal with the old thing? If he found out What do you do with Nan Suyi, can you stand still intact?"

Nanfang and Wei Wei, one is the son of the old man, one ... is his niece.

In the end, the two hooked up and raped his own daughter.

If the father knows the consequences of today, will he make a different choice?

Wei Wei passed the blue silk. She looked at Nanfang, who had a cold face. She sneered: "In that year, old things knew that Suyi didn't like you, and wanted to marry Suyi to the Nine Gates, if not me. ...I am trying my best to let Nan Su’s body be ruined in front of the Nine Gates, fearing that she has become a nine-door man..."

(End of this chapter)

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