The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1696: The grief of Helian Ying (3)

Chapter 1696 The grief of Helianying (3)

and also……


Didn't he go to find other old friends? How come to the generals?

"The wind is clear, I don't hear it," the wind is like a smile. "She said that you are a fool. After all, you didn't recognize my identity at first. On the contrary, the moon is smarter than everyone else. If this Shantou really has such a large IQ, and will not be led by others."

Without waiting for the wind to clear up, He Lianyue looked at the wind with a sad look: "What does it mean to be small? I am not smart enough?"

"What do you say?" The wind was like a smile, but in a moment the little face of He Lianyue was pulled down.

She is very smart and will be smarter in the future!

Only in this way, Xiaopeng will not drive her away!

He Lian Ying paled a face, her voice trembled: "I don't even mean this, I don't mean..."


Helian’s father sighed and angered pointing to He Lianying: “You usually say a few words in front of me. I haven’t seen you so hate the moon, this time, if not I heard These, I don't know how you arrange your sister outside!"

Herlene panicked forward, but her pace was stopped by a red fox.

The red fox stared at her with a sinister look, scared her back a few steps, and the face was full of blood.

"Grandpa, I don't have it, you have to believe me, I really didn't arrange my sister...",

"He Lian Ying, you think that my old man is old, and people are stupid? What did you say? What is the month of entanglement and even the son of Qing, but even the Qing son hates her? Even the Qingzi son is at most Refused to her, you said this is like how much my family will not entertain!"

He Lian Ying was dull, she bit her lip and tears floated on her eyes.

Grandpa how to forget, she is also his granddaughter...

Why is there only one person in his heart?

"After you look at you later, you still fall into the moon, knowing the identity of a girl, deliberately approaching her? I can't understand the **** of the moon? She never has much thought, and it is even more impossible. This thought is used by people who care about her!"

Helian’s father was full of anger and screamed.

The heart of Helian Ying slammed a bit and slowly closed his eyes.

Grandpa means... Helianyue does not have much thought, then she has thoughts?

In Grandpa’s mind, is Helianyue really so important?

"He Lian Ying," the wind has no expression on the face, and the look is cold. "I refuse the month, not because I don't like her. I just spend all my thoughts on cultivation. I don't want to disturb my heart because of love." I don't want her to get stuck, only so, but for you... I really don't like it!"

In fact, at the beginning, he did not like hi or moon for He Lianyue. At most, he was nodding his head. He would not be like a stranger when he met. Of course, he would not talk like a friend.

Really disgusted with her, or the night of the party, the words she said before him...

If he knew that Helian Ying was such a person, he could not maintain his superficial friendship, and he had already rejected her thousands of miles away.

The heart of Helian Ying’s heart trembled even more. Compared with the words of Helian’s father, what made her desperate was the wind and the Qing Dynasty...

For you, I really don't like it!

(End of this chapter)

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