The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1694: The grief of Helian Ying (1)

Chapter 1694 The grief of Helian Ying (1)

The wind was clear, and he understood that the wind was telling the truth, but it was silent. No more words.

Even when the wind is like when he left, he is not clear. He is standing under the breeze. For a long time, he has not returned to God...


As soon as the wind went to the backyard, she saw the green han who was playing with the red fox. She paused and asked: "Qinghan, can the national teacher come back?"

Qing Han turned a small head, and looked at the wind as if he was confused: "Mother, isn’t the National Teacher left with you?"

It is said that the wind is silent, and it seems that the national teacher has not returned.

"Mother," Fu Chen also turned his eyes to the wind. "What happened? Why didn't you join together?"

When I mentioned this matter, the face of the wind was black and black, and I wished I would take it out and let it go.

"Xiao Qing gave the national teacher a mark. Maybe the national teacher did not recognize it. So I didn't find me. Now that I am back, he should also get the news. Then he will return to the city."


Qing Han’s eyes widened and he rushed to the side of the wind: “When is the mother, when is the grandmother? I miss her.”


This little guy is thinking about letting Suyi bring her to set fire?

The wind was so sloping at the corner of the mouth that when he was about to talk, a maid came to the door in a hurry, and he said with respect and respect: "Miss Da, the lady of the Helian family came to see?"

"The big lady of the Helian family?" The wind is like a brow: "Is there not only one Helian moon in Helian?"

"Mother is actually worse than my memory," Xiao Qinghan snorted two times and proudly raised his face. "Herlen’s family still has a person. I don’t know the name, but Fuchen’s brother told me, that The house of Helian’s family is not like a good person. She looks at the eyes of the moon, and it’s always like a bad idea.”

Even though Qing Han did not appear, she could get all the passes from Fu Chen's mouth. I didn't expect the mother who was at the scene to forget this.

The wind slammed into the air and smiled at the lips: "Let her come in."

"Yes, Missy."

The maid took the lead and retired.

A moment later, a woman with a light makeup wiped in with the maid.

The beauty of the woman's face is at least beautiful, at least for the man to see the kind of protection of the desire, her eyebrows with a bit of warmth and grace, looks like a good show.

He Lian Ying walked in with the maid, and she looked up and saw the wind sitting on the stone bench.

She is dressed in red, domineering and arrogant, and the momentum between the eyebrows is too similar to that of the world. It is no wonder that Helianyue can know her relationship with Tianya at a glance.

If she can meet the wind early, maybe... the one who got her help is her.

"Wind girl."

He Lian Ying smiled a little and wanted to sit in front of the wind.

In the past, when she was outside the wind, she was sitting in front of him. The wind was even clear, even though her face was not very good every time, she did not refuse her.

Except this time... somehow, he didn't even let her in.


Herlian's **** had not yet fallen, and the stone bench under her suddenly exploded. She was caught off guard and sat on the stone bench turned into a waste stone. She gave a scream of pain.

The wind is in the palm of his hand, and he looks at He Lian Ying like a smile. "What can you do if you come to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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