The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1679: None of the Duan’s family is good for her (10)

Chapter 1679, no one is good for her (10)

Only the elders of the Tang family did not mention Xiaoya, but Tang Yin was indeed entrusted to Gu Jia Erye.

It may be inconvenient to talk about her existence...

The old man sneered: "The little girl is still alive? You know what identity she is? Haha, that girl is a curse!"


The wind slammed into the past.

At the same time that Yu Pei resisted the giant pot, the aura of the old man was also consumed. He now has no resistance, and he is slammed on the ground by the wind.

The wind's feet slammed on the old man's mouth: "For me, Xiaoyin is a good identity. I will protect her in this life."

That year, she went to the Tang family to save the father.

Tang Yinben was born in the Tang family, and his feelings are profound. But the girl is for her, and she chooses to give up the Tang family.

Since she had chosen her at the beginning, how could she bear her heart... let the girl lose her choice?

In some words, she never said more to those around her, but whether it is Snow Wolf, Xiaoqing, or ... other people, she will not let anyone hurt them!

The voice of the sinking voice is sharp: "The public voice is right, you can't protect the little wild species. She is a disaster. The people who are with her will not be good at the end!"

The wind swept away in the cold, and this eyes made the pain in Shen’s mind worse, and the whole person exploded.

Xiaoya was angry, and she slammed into Shen Shen. Her fingers were sharp and long, sharp and sharp, and she was scratching her eyes.

She can insult her, and she must not insult her daughter!

Xiaoyin is not a wild species!

Is her most beloved person!

When Duan Qiong came over, he happened to see Xiaoya fluttering in the sinking body. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he could not speak.

Xiaoya turned to the day and just saw Duan Qiong.

She licked her lips and did not stop her movements. The whole person sat on the sinking body, and all the nails were still sinking the powder and blood on her face.

"Yu Ya, you are a monk, how did you and the wild species didn't die outside? I told you that the dress is now at the end of the world. If you dare to start with the family, your end will be worse than me!" ”

The innocent brain screamed, lost all the reason, even without the presence of the Yunhuangguo prince, and screamed out in anger.

Within the four countries, they all had a hatred with the end of the world, so they were too late to move out of the world.

But now... she can't take care of it under anger, and a pair of dawns are full of red light.

Duan Qiong stunned, and suddenly he came to Shen Qiang and picked up her clothes: "The people who were sent to chase Yale in the past, have a relationship with you?"

At the beginning, I learned that Duanjia sent people to chase Xiaoya and his daughter. He was angry and hated. But after all, this old man is his old man. He is angry again, and there is no way to kill himself. Moreover, he also Beat it...

But he never knew that Shen Yu also participated.

In those days, the old man was recognized, and he was removed from the sink!

Duan Qiongqi’s tremors, the people who shared his bed with him these days, turned out to be such a snake venom!

Shen Yan’s face was white, and she panicked and watched Duan Qiong suddenly appearing: “Duan Ge, you listen to me explaining...”

"Shut up, swear, you are a curse!"

Duan Qiong’s forehead was violently violent, and a slap in the face was on the face.

"You lied to me for so many years, I always thought that it was a man of the old man, I didn't expect it to be you! You hurt Ya'er, and she hated me so much."

Ps: Although the collection wood has reached the level I said, I still issued ten chapters, which is a reward for the girls who are collecting them. Of course, I will get more and more.

Also, don't ask me why I didn't explode at the end of the month. It was a matter of last month. I was forgotten on the 22nd or 23rd last month. When I said at the end of last month, I didn’t say the number of chapters. On the day of the explosion, I said that I have exploded more than fifty chapters today. Why do I remember the number of chapters, but I said that I have not exploded?

In addition, I have tried to adjust the time, but I am used to it, I need to adjust it slowly. I can write it in five points. Now I can write ten chapters at three o'clock. After all, you can watch it for five minutes. I need to spend countless five minutes to write.

I didn't tell you yesterday, because I know that even if I write ten chapters, some people will say that I am making excuses, even if you have fulfilled the promise.

In fact, I woke up yesterday and started to be weak. Maybe I was mad. I have been writing ten chapters for the past two days. Fortunately, there are a few days before the new manuscript, because I promised to write all the ten chapters. I suspect that it is me. The reason for staying up late, so it’s my fault to stay up all night with me. I try to push forward every day and adjust slowly.

Day and night upside down, I really can't update it early. I wrote it yesterday, or wrote it at three in the morning. This time I was afraid, I was going to adjust my schedule, I didn’t dare to stay up all night, and I was tired of playing keyboard players~

I said that qi is imaginary. I want to tell my sisters that the danger of staying up late is not an excuse for myself. After all, I have finished ten chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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