The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1656: The fall of Xiaoya (5)

Chapter 1656 The Fall of Xiaoya (5)

"The result..." He Lianyue wants to be more and more wronged. "In this case, even Qing brother should maintain the wind and windbreaker!"

In the spirit of the mountain range, the wind has even raised this matter.

But at that time, I didn’t know that the person who was framed was his granddaughter, but I didn’t know... the wind and even the clothes almost killed her.

For a moment, Sen’s cold momentum spread from the horizon, shrouded in the entire lobby, and the temperature in the lobby was reduced a lot...

The faces of Qi Wei and Feng Lian Qing are all white. Only the little emperor is out of the house, and a fat face is full of gloating.

"Master, I can explain..." The wind trembled, his face was a bit pale, and his eyes were flustered.

Qi Yan’s face is also somewhat white, but he still needs to maintain the emperor’s dignity. However, he did not speak. He looked at He Lianyue’s eyes with prayers. He seemed to want this girl to say a few words for them...

The air has solidified, and the atmosphere is more and more gloomy, but quietly, some people present can't breathe.


The sound of a voice broke the silence at the moment, and it was the atmosphere that made this sword suddenly disappear.

"Can the Tianya General be there?"

The brows of the end of the world were light and wrinkled, and they followed the sound. In an instant, a slightly familiar face was engraved in his eyes.

It was also the coldness of his old face.

"What are you doing?"

Standing outside the lobby is a young man, who has nothing to do with the original arrogance.

But seeing his appearance, the faces of the people on the scene are not very good-looking, because no one has forgotten how this guy yelled last night to shoot at the general.

"I am paying compensation," the young man's tone took a bit of respect, and the words were also taken for granted. "The end of the world is the general. You count the loss of your generals, give me an account, I am slightly After that, people will bring the money to you."

All the people were stunned, like the first time they knew the second emperor, and they were amazed.

Qi Qi is even more unbelievable: "You just said... you want to compensate the generals?"

"Yes, after all, last night's thing was that I did too much fire, which led to the heavy losses of the generals. I should compensate for this money."

The young man smiled and his voice was respectful.


There was silence throughout the hall.

The end of the world has been indulged for a moment, and faintly said: "The wind is clear."

The wind stunned and stunned: "Master... Master, I am."

"You go to calculate an account, report it to him, and let him compensate me ten times! The mental damages of my granddaughter, and the scare of my servants."

Ten times compensation...

The wind blew his mouth and pumped it. When did Master become so dark?

Moreover, yesterday, it was clearly the wind, and the two emperors slammed the meal. Why did she come to the spiritual loss?

The second emperor did not know what to do crazy this time, but he had to take the initiative to compensate, but Master is so dark, and he does not know if he is willing to agree.

After all... The Emperor of the Cloud State is an Emperor Wu, not as good as Qi Wei.

The second emperor still has a smile on his face and can't see any mood swings.

"Should, yes, I will immediately make compensation."


I don't know why, there is a feeling that Feng Liqing, even if Master let the two emperors commit suicide, the second emperor will immediately execute.

It’s hard to be... Last night, Master couldn’t take care of the one in Yunxiaoguo. Can his son only obey?

(End of this chapter)

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