The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1652: The fall of Xiaoya (1)

Chapter 1652, the Fall of Xiaoya (1)

The Tsing Yi woman passed by and escaped the attack. She looked up and looked at the man in a white robe that was not far away. The face under the gauze sank instantly.

The man was white and beautiful, and he was as beautiful as a fairy. Standing beside him was a woman in a stunning red dress. The two of them were like the fairy monks. The figures standing together were like this, just like walking from the picture. It seems to come out.

"You are lucky," her cold eyes swept to the scared snake. She sneered. "I will give you this woman." I knew this woman was so stupid, I will Shouldn't save her!"

When the words fell, the Tsing Yi woman immediately turned and fled to a distance.

"Peace, you are waiting for me here."

The southern string was so light, his white robe was like the wind, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the woods, I was quiet in an instant.

The breeze is bright and warm, but... let the heart of the wind and clothing fall into the trough.

She bit her lip, a pale face, looking at the wind with a resentful look.

Xiaoqing rushed to the wind, and cried: "Princess, you finally came, I was almost boiled by this little monk, you have to ventilate for me, kill this little monk!"

The wind raised her hand and caught Xiaoqing on her hand. She glared and her faint eyes condensed into the wind.

Wind and sneer sneered: "The wind is like a dump, I am bad luck before it falls into your hands. Do you think that you are stronger than me? Funny! You are just because you are the granddaughter of the world, if her granddaughter is replaced by me. I will definitely not be worse than you."

Because the talent of the world is strong, the wind has inherited his talent.

But if she is replaced by her, she will certainly grow faster than the wind.

So... what is the wind like this?

The wind is walking slowly toward the wind, and her pace is strong, the blue silk is flying, and the beauty is unobtrusive.

"But, the person who grew up around the end of the world is you. The person who has been cultivated by the generals is yours, the person who can enter the drugstore at will, the same is you! You are treated like this in the generals, what do you think? ... can you be stronger than me?"

The wind and iron clothes smiled ironically: "I just don't have the blood of the old things."

"I was nothing when I was sixteen."

The wind stopped as if he had stopped, and looked at the wind and clothes without expression: "Life is not smooth, even obese and ugly, but unfortunately, my luck is really good."

Because of her good luck, she met Qing Han and Fu Chen, and was able to change the whole life.

"So, wind, clothes, what do you think, if you become his granddaughter, will you be stronger than me?" The wind smirked, "But my grandfather, other aspects are very good, only This looks at people's eyes, no..."

"But it doesn't matter. Who makes him my grandfather, even if he doesn't see people's eyes, I won't let anyone humiliate him, or a person who has grown up by him."

In an instant, countless swords flashed out and attacked the wind.

The eyes of the wind-sleeved clothes lingered until the face of death, and the fear emerged in her heart.

She turned and tried to escape, but her speed was faster, and it was better than the Jianguang. In an instant, she let her blood drench, the bright red blood shot out and dyed the land...

The wind and the clothes turned back, and the eyes stared at the wind, and the eyes were the hatred of the bones. It was like the woman who killed her so much, deeply engraved in her mind, never forgetting!

Ps: I have to go out and come back and write again, because I don’t know when I will come back, I will send a chapter first, but I will definitely continue to write when I come back. After I finish writing, I will sleep again. You will see it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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