The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1633: Less than him (1)

Chapter 1633 is not as good as him (1)

The ballroom has no initial noise.

Everyone is as quiet as a chicken.

It’s that the little princes who have always been arrogant have never had a mouthful.

His fat face was tight and his face was unhappy.

Pretty sister is actually a group with the end of the world!

He will never forget that when he was smashed by him, he has always been aiming at the wind.

But if the horizon is the grandfather of a beautiful sister...

Then he will forgive him for being difficult.

Others are also snoring, especially those who have just touted the wind and even the clothes, even more scared and shivering, hate has to exist.

Everyone has never thought that things will move in this direction! The ridiculous thing is that the wind has just been cloaked... I dare to speak out, saying that the end of the world will give jade to her...

"Can't you really do it?"

After Tianya heard Fuchen’s words, the old face was silent. He hesitated for a moment and turned to look at Fuchen.

"Mother said, there are some things, only she can give her mother an answer."

Turbulent, the wind jumped out and laughed, and the voice was sad and ironic.

"When the wind is so against me, why do I think I can answer her question? No matter what she wants to know, I will never say it!"

The gaze of the wind is full of hatred.

Until now, the wind romper has blamed all the mistakes on the head of the wind. I have never thought about it. If she had not started her mind, she would not have the end of the present.

Everything is what she is looking for!

Resentment to anyone!

"Well, since you don't want to say more, then I still kill you directly."

Tianya no expression of a wave of hands, the wind and the whole person fell out, she had lost too much blood, this fall almost fainted.

Fortunately, Fu Chen released the aura in time, so that the brain of the wind jumper stayed awake.

The wind and the clothes are biting their lips and they don’t scream.

She can't be as windy as she wants, so whether she is dead or born, she won't let her know what she wants.

Although the wind and the clothes don't know what the wind wants to know, no matter what it is, she won't say it!


Seeing that the wind-up clothes are so painful, Liu Yi is still unbearable in his heart. A pair of squats is full of distress: "The girl has made a big mistake this time. The mistake she made is unforgivable, but... Can you ask the general to spare her life? I beg you, general."

He slammed his head on the ground, slamming his head, and even if his head broke his blood, he did not dare to stop.

When the wind was a glimpse, she did not expect that Liu Yi would plead for her at this time...


This Liu Yi, who really became the only person in the General’s government who really treated her.

Others... including the wind and the Qing, are illusory, whispering that they will plead for her, to the end... I have learned the wind as a declining identity, not afraid?


If it is not the pain of the broken arm, the wind jumper will really laugh.

Even if she is at the end, she will not admit that she is wrong, and that all others are wrong.

"The life of the wind and the clothes, I will naturally stay, because she must wait for my granddaughter to wake up and confess to her!" The red dress of the end of the world is full of publicity in the evening wind, and the eyebrows are domineering, "If she can't wake up, There are ten lives in the wind and the clothes are not enough!"

Of course, even if the wind is awake, the wind and the clothes will not be alive again.

(End of this chapter)

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