The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1607: Looking for something to come (3)

Chapter 1607 is looking for something (3)

No one is a fool in the presence.

In addition to the wind that has been stunned by anger.

It was Qi Qi who was silent this time.

If...the wind jumpsuit does not recognize that the jade is made of obsidian, and the wind is like a jade necklace, then he will doubt that this jade necklace is windy.

The irony is that the wind jacket has already admitted that the jade is not a polylith, and it has explained this...

The wind is like this woman... It’s really a good calculation!

Therefore, she deliberately ruined the polylith, and the wind and the cloak recognized the polystone as a fake.

very scary!

This is the only feeling that Qi Qi is on the wind, and the end of the enemy with this woman must be like a wind.

But... the shortcoming of the wind is that there is no backstage, but the strength of the light itself is not enough, so that she can not be arrogant in the mainland, how to wind the windbreaker, and the generals as the backing...

This is something she can never compare.


Qi Qi shook his head and sighed with regret. To tell the truth, he really appreciated the wind, but the wind was like a savior.

However, what she is doing now will definitely offend the generals...

Qi Qi does not know where the wind is like a jade necklace from the hand, and it is impossible to think of it.

If she said that Tianya is looking at her talents and intends to accept her as a disciple, he may still believe.

But she made up such a lie...

How can Tianya sell a jade necklace for a pot of wine?

Presumably he was fighting outside with people, accidentally lost the necklace, and was picked up by this girl.

However, Qi Qi did not say these speculations. This time, even if he guessed it, he would never be able to tell at this time. Otherwise, he would not be able to walk out of this general army.

He also did not blatantly let her go.

"Since things have been misunderstood, then this matter can be over, and this banquet has not been carried out, so let's just let go."

He stopped and looked cold.

“The field?” The wind laughed and said, “You don’t avenge your children, I have to vent my own!”

Qi Qiyi, in his mistakes, the wind has fallen to the front of the wind, and the foot of the bomb, she took her to the wall, the whole body has been stuck, the kind that can not get down .

"Wind girl, you..." Qi Yan's face changed slightly.

He looked at the wind as if he had saved the nephew, deliberately wanting to let her go, this girl, too ignorant.

This time, he could not easily forgive the wind and the clothes, but the people of the military office must wait for the end of the world to be disposed of.

"Give me, stop this girl!"

Qi Hao screamed coldly.

In the dark, a few powerful oppressions hit, even if there were a few people dressed in service uniforms who appeared out of the dark, they just came out and still have a good future, and a white robe like a fairy has already blocked them. before.

"Let's teach people, no one needs to intervene."

A few of the dark guards were chilling, and they went to the South Strings instantly...


On the wall, the wind and a piece of blood spurted out and dyed her white clothes.

Her face was white, staring at the wind, leaning on the wind, screaming and gnashing her teeth: "Wind! Like! Dive!"

"You don't have to call me to call such affectionate, I don't like you."

Wind jumpsuit: "..."

She was almost spurted again by the gas, her eyes were red, with sorrow and anger.

(End of this chapter)

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