The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1271: Mourning regret (5)

Chapter 1271 regrets Mu Ling (5)

"Pour the child," Feng Tianyu faintly looked at Chen Fengqi in front of the wind, only to turn his eyes to the wind, the man's shackles with gentleness, "I will give it to me." ”

At this moment, Chen’s body was a little soft, and he was fainting. She bit her lip and let herself stay awake.

She doesn't understand, people's heart... How can we get to such a point?

Chen Liangqi did not ask for mercy again, and he was dragged down by the person who was admired by the old man. The body of Mu Xi and Mu Huan was dragged down by the way.

Their departure finally restored the street to silence.

"Hey, mother, I have to go to the main government, I will not be able to come back, you take care of him."

In these years, my nephew suffered too much in the Qin family. When she thought of those scenes, her heart was hurting.

However, now she has more important things to do.

"Let's go, we didn't get together for a long time. Before, there were people who were in trouble. How can you go so fast?" Feng Tianyu's handsome face is not very good-looking. "Are you going to find the stinky boy of Nanxian?"

The face of the wind is black.

Father, you are in the presence of other people's mother and grandfather, calling others a stinky boy, is this really good?

Nalan smoke pushed the wind to the sky: "You are dissatisfied with the daughter being abducted, and you can't sing the South string in front of others. We are here to discuss the matter of the pro. If you are angry, you have two words behind you." Anyway, no one will know."

The wind is like: "..."

Suyi: "..."

Master Mu: "..."

There is also a side that has long been ignored: "..."

"Cough," after all, the old man has coughed twice and broke the strange silence at the moment. "We are all family members in the future. If the South Strings really do a bad place, you should be the father-in-law’s wife. Hey, it’s time to fight, you’re welcome, you’re a man, the skin is strong, and there are things that he should bear.”

As a man, you must be beaten and beaten. You must use your shoulders to pick up a home.

The blood of Mu Ling’s scorpion has dissipated. He looked up and saw the old man.

and so……

This is why the old man often scolded him from an early age.

Even when the old man’s brain was still awake, he even smashed the sputum and did not care about the body of Mu Qing.

Feelings, he always felt that men are resistant?

Suyi's mouth can't help but pull it down.

Well, this is the grandfather of Nanxian, my own!

She sighed, and she was quite sympathetic to the South String, and then she gently grasped the hand of the wind.

"Look, it doesn't matter, your marriage can be fixed when he comes back. If he bullies you in the future... I will take you away and fly, don't bother him."

Bai Feng fluttered with wings, his eyes with hope: "Suyi Suyi, then me?"

"Oh," Su Yi said with a light expression. "You follow the South Strings and live in both."

Bai Feng: "..."

It only wants to be a shackle of the South String, and does not want to live with him.


A painful voice came from the side of Suyi.

The last smile on the face of Su Yi disappeared. She turned her back to Mu Ling and did not speak.

"I know that you hate Chen contempt, and I hate her, but I can give her to you, whatever you do."

He can't wait to solve Chen Xiaoyu personally.

But this time, he is willing to hand over Chen Shaoyu to Suyi.


The plain clothes are faint, the tone is exhausted, and obviously do not want to say anything to him.

(End of this chapter)

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