The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1145: Humiliation of a lifetime (1)

Chapter 1145 The humiliation of a lifetime (1)

"Small pot, don't run, you summon me, don't you let me eat you? I take a bite and promise to take a bite!"

The giant pot scared almost from the sky, it really wants to escape from this place, but it is hard to return to the owner's side, if it is separated from the owner, how can it find her next time?

This time, if you don't realize that the owner is in danger, it can't find it in an instant... It feels that the owner is close at hand, but it has too much rust, even the owner can't do it.

It doesn't want to leave anymore.

When the wind saw the giant pot wandering around her, she was a little dizzy, and her fingers pressed the temples: "Small pot, don't turn."

The giant pot almost fell from the sky, and the tears ran silent.

Master, why have you been separated for so many years, the level of your name is still the same... Let the pot be anxious.

From the little girl of the year to the little pot... It is getting worse and worse, can you come up with a bit of domineering?

However, the little pot was still very obedient. After hearing the sound of the wind, I stopped by it and stayed in the air.

Fu Yu’s heart was cold for a year, and he was shaking. It seemed that he did not understand why the tomb of the Nine Emperors would move, and he still listened to the wind.

Suddenly, he thought of the words that Qing Han said just now, his body was tightly frozen, and he felt the difficulty even breathing.


This is absolutely impossible!

How can the wind be like the nine emperors!

She clearly...recognised that she would not be a beast.

Fu Yu never thought about it. If the wind is like the love of the beast, why these beasts will follow her with willingness.

Some things don't have to be tamed to complete, and the same is true for other things.

The group who had been convinced of Fu Yu obviously also thought of this point. He turned his head and looked at the huge pit, as if he could see the girl lying in the pit through the huge pit.

Just now... Fu Yu claimed that the princess was the body of the nine emperors, and the princess did not deny it.

If she is the nine emperors, why is the tomb of the nine emperors going to follow others? Haven’t even seen her before?

In the eyes of the subjects of the Haitian kingdom, the Qing Dynasty is not as high as it is. She is gentle and gentle, tall and not proud, pure as a fairy.

and so……

No one ever thought about it, Fu Qingyi would do something like this.

The goddess in their hearts, with this moment, completely collapsed!

Qing Hanyu’s mouth is drooling: “Mother, do you let the small pot pot give me a bite?”

The wind looked down at the small pot that shivered, and looked down at Qinghan, and licked her little head: "It hasn't taken a bath for a long time, and it will eat belly."

Qing Han was wronged with a small mouth, but she always listened to the wind, but she could only depressed her head.

"Well, I listen to my mother."

The wind was like a continuation, and I wanted to continue to say something. One arm was pulled over and pulled her into her arms.

The man turned his head and looked at Fu Yu again. His cold shackles contained killing intentions. From the beginning to the end, he did not say a word again. The long sword in his hand was raised, and countless swordsmen appeared. The instant raids to Fu Yu. .

Fu Yu, the king of the Haitian kingdom, the first strong.

just now……

Under the sword of the South String, he has no room for resistance.

The wind is stroking the chin, although she does not know what the strength of the former Nanxian is, but this time the South String wakes up, it is stronger than before.

(End of this chapter)

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