The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1084: The origin of the mainland (3)

Chapter 1084 The Origin of the Mainland (3)

Shen Die no face, no horror, sneer out.

Her smile is full of ridicule, full of irony.

"Gu Yiyi, you are a country girl, the strength is not strong, there is no background, the big hall likes you so much, why do you refuse him? Why do you hurt this man who loves you the most in the world? You are killed Under the Great Hall, I will let you regret, I will kill the orchids, let you spend all your life in remorse!"

Unfortunately, she is still too late to start.

Just a little bit...

Just need to give her a little time, Youlan will be killed by her alive, then, even if Gu rushed in, can only see her body!

In this way, she also has a face, go to the Grand Palace below Jiuquan!

Gu Yiyi’s eyes were so heavy that in the end she didn’t like the big prince, and it became... her fault?

What is the great prince who is robbing? Is there anything wrong with him?

However, Gu Yiyi knew that it was useless to say that the stubborn woman of Shen Die was no more useful. Therefore, she took her eyes back and said calmly: "Since you are so inseparable from him, I will let You go to **** to see each other, don't thank me, the big lion, kill her, I don't want to see her again."

After saying this, Gu Yiyi turned to look at the sky not far away.

The days of the heavens and the moons have finally restored calm.

But after this calm, I don’t know what kind of storms will come.

I don't know how... they can leave this world...


This mysterious and unrecognized continent.

There is an island.

Above the island, there is a small country.

Although the country is small and there are not many residents, there are countless powerful people in small countries.

More importantly, on this continent, the Kingdom of Haitian is the only country that can live in harmony with the spirits.

At this time, next to a lake in the palace, the slender legs of the girl fell into the lake, and countless fish wandered around her white feet, seemingly kissing her toes.

"Princess," Ms. Xiaoying stood behind the girl, and seemed to sigh. "It seems that from small to large, whether it is a beast, or other birds and beasts, they all like to surround the princess. It is also because of the existence of the princess that we can let us The Kingdom of Haitian and the beasts live in harmony."

The princess has always been kind, and countless beasts love her very much.

Perhaps she is gentle from the heart, let the spirit beasts feel, they will wander around her.

The princess, however, persuaded his majesty to accept those spirit beasts, so that the kingdom of Haitian can coexist with the spirits.

The girl's face is pure, like a lily, clean and pure, without any pollution.

Her smile is even more pure, a white dress, lining her more fairy, elegant and refined.

"Xiao Ying, the spirit beast also has the qualification to live in this world, no one can deprive them of their lives."

Xiaoying smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, the slave has heard of one thing. Our world is said to have been established by a god. The name of the **** is the nine emperors."

In fact, at the beginning, no one knew where the world came from.

But a year ago, a master in the Kingdom of Haitian inadvertently found a mausoleum on this island. The owner of the mausoleum is the Nine Emperors! It is also to find an ancient book, the ancient books recorded the origin of the world.

However, the Kingdom of Haiti and the Sea has always been closed, and it has never communicated with the outside world, while people in other countries have rejected the Haitian Kingdom, which is incompatible with the beasts, and will not associate with it.

(End of this chapter)

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