The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 1080: The winner is king (3)

Chapter 1080, the winner is king (3)

His pace trembled and walked slowly outside the royal study room, and his back was lonely and lonely.

"But, your majesty..."

"You don't have to say more. You can only live as an emperor in this life. If you don't have a grand emperor, this day will not be able to keep up."

He has been used to hiding behind him, there is no way to rush in front, and he can't fight people.

In the past few years, I have not been too strong, and I am afraid that it is the position of my emperor. I have already been taken away.

Nowadays, he can only make the last choice. I hope that this choice will enable him to save his life...

Seeing that the emperor insisted on this, the **** no longer persuaded, silently followed the back to leave the royal study.

Grand Emperor Palace.

The needle thread in the hands of Shen Die accidentally broke his finger, and blood came out from his fingertips.

She hurriedly put her finger in her mouth and gently sucked it down, but she felt a little uneasy.


Outside the door, the palace niece ran and came in. She just walked into the threshold and was stunned. She even climbed to the front of Shen Die, crying and mourning a face: "Wang Hao, something happened, It’s a big deal!”

Shen Die’s eyebrows are contemptuous: “What is so flustered?”

"The big prince... the great emperor is a country..."

This sentence is like a blue sky, and the whole skull of the skull is squeaking, and there is a blank in my mind.

Her face was full of blood, she wanted to stand up from the chair, and accidentally pushed the chair back. When she was unstable, she fell to the ground.


The palace lady cried and ran to the front of Shen Die, and helped Shen Die from the ground.

Shen Die’s nails were deeply immersed in the skin of the palace lady. The palace girl frowned and frowned, but she did not dare to take it back. There were tears in her eyes. I don’t know if it hurts or hurts.

"What did you just say nonsense?" Shen Die’s voice was fierce. "How can you curse the great prince? The great prince will not die, never!"

"The goddess, the slave said that it is true. The palace has been spread all over. The great emperor and the emperor of the emperor are all in the country. Those spirit beasts have already entered the palace, which is the door opened by the majesty..."

Shen Die closed her eyes and she shook her head.

This fact is too cruel to her, cruel to her no way to face.

"You lied to me, you are all lie to me, the big prince will not die, he will never die, what if he is dead? What should I do!!!"

When she saw him for the first time in her youth, her heart was left on him.

Even if she understood from the beginning, this man never loved her.

Look at her, only because her father is a teacher, high weight!

It doesn't matter, as long as you can marry him, it will suffice to stay with him for a lifetime.

Even if she saw those servants who were getting started, her heart was bleeding, and she kept guarding him.

Even... he fell in love with Gu Yiyi.

She just wants to help him get her!

And what did she do wrong? Why is God so cruel, let him go completely away from her, why!


Shen Die grieves her head, her voice is exhausted, her tears soak her face, and her white face is full of despair and deep pain.


"Where is the person who killed him?" Shen Die raised his throat. She was holding her palm and her eyes were empty and empty, but she could hear hatred from her voice.

The palace lady is grieved: "It is Gu Yiyi."

(End of this chapter)

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