In fact, Chen Hang's direct confrontation and public rebuttals and statements are still very useful.

"The Heartbreaker" is a movie after all, and to be honest, this movie is indeed very popular!

Therefore, there are many supporters.

The great director Chen Hang was angry at those remarks for the first time, and it quickly worked!

Soon Wang Yifan also accepted an interview from the media.

No way, although Chen Hang is the director of "The Sad Man", he is the provider of the story.

"People in the civil sciences regarded He Xi as a spiritual idol, while anti-counterfeiting activists Zhang Zhou and others believed that "The Heartbreaker" promoted pseudo-science and brought a very bad influence on the public. In this regard, as the "heartbreaker" Screenwriter, Director Wang, do you have anything to say to them?"

Wang Yifan smiled and said: "First of all, the first question is that for Minke, perhaps He Xi’s experience has made some of them sit in the seat, but what I want to say is that He Xi is a fictional character and treats a fictional character as a fictional character. Spiritual idols show that their starting point is very problematic.

The reason why He Xi can make people sympathize is because he is a martyr, and the reason why everyone knows he is a martyr is because, more than a hundred years later, his theory has been proved, and this is the premise!

But none of us can predict the future, so being down-to-earth is reality, and He Xi is just a character in the movie! "

"The second question is that I can't understand what "The Sadness" is to promote pseudoscience and bring bad influence.

First of all, everyone knows that "The Heartbreaker" is first of all a movie. The story of the movie is fictitious. If a movie can convince the masses of pseudo-science, it is too affordable to watch!

The biggest disadvantage of this argument is that it keeps with the times!

When film censorship was relatively strict in the past, it seems that these people also said that the censorship system limits the imagination of film creators, and they will say how Hollywood is.

But now the Film Bureau has just released the film censorship system. It is due to the downplay of the educational function of the film and the strengthening of its entertainment function.

You can say that you don't like this movie, but please don't double label it.

Just like what I saw before, some people say that idealism is sometimes poisonous, and that He Xi can go abroad. This kind of statement is simply absurd and funny.

The sad people mentioned in the movie seem to be foreigners, right?

Denying a movie because of different opinions is against the principle of social progress!

Also, I’m really wondering whether you’ve watched the movie properly, because if you’ve seen the movie, you should know that He Xi’s theory in the movie has been verified and confirmed to be correct!

His mentor also knows that his theory is correct. This is the premise!

What he faced was that the theory was useless, instead of thinking it out!

Therefore, people in the civil sciences regard He Xi as an idol. Please pay attention to this point. First prove that your theory is correct, and then talk about other things. Instead of thinking out of your imagination, saying that universal gravitation does not exist, it is a mess and a fantasy! "

After Chen Hang, Wang Yifan and others spoke.

People who support "The Sadness" have also sent articles to support and refute those people.

"We oppose vulgarity and low-profile films, and we call for the unification of the three sexes: it must be enjoyable, but also artistic and ideological, and only on this basis can our box office have meaning! It is undoubtedly a film of the unification of the three sexes, and we can't just kill it with one stick just because the film is insufficient!

"I hope everyone can be more tolerant of Chinese films. It has shortcomings, but it needs help. The most annoying is those who are good at making domestic films, but end up picking the bones of all kinds of double labels.

The movie is not that scary. After watching "Water Margin", will many people rise up to rebel, go up the hill and fall into the grass?

Also, for those who say that idealism is sometimes poisonous, I just want to say that your thoughts are really poisonous.

Your statement itself is very problematic, right? It is risky to act bravely, but is it because it is risky to encourage everyone to die?

There is also the most disgusting thing about never watching Huaguo's science fiction novels, science fiction movies, and all kinds of science fiction movies that promote Hollywood.

The ending of "Star Navigator" is that the navigator crashes into a comet in order to protect the earth. Isn't this idea itself idealistic? Why didn't you say it was poisonous? "

Soon, many domestic science fiction writers also appeared to refute these remarks.

The well-known science fiction novelist Ma Ling said: “Understanding theories is not a matter of science fiction, nor can it be done by science fiction. All we can do is to describe our imagination and create a science fiction image.”

The media of "Science Fiction" magazine also stated: "The creators of science fiction novels describe their own imagination and create a sci-fi image. They are not scientists or scholars. They do not possess the rigorous scientific knowledge, just like martial arts novelists. It's a truth that they are not martial arts masters! Taking science fiction seriously is a very incredible thing!"

Although these are still difficult to refute those who oppose it, at this time, it is not important.

Because if there is controversy, I am not afraid of it.

In fact, a truly sensible person, who does not know what it means here.

Those so-called opponents, so-called counterfeit fighters, etc., are they really because they think "The Heartbreaker" is promoting pseudo-science?

In fact, it's all nonsense. The reason why they bubbling up and catching a mad criticism of "The Heartbreaker" is because "The Heartbreaker" is something they can get and can catch the heat.

As for those people in civil sciences, why didn't they talk about it instead?

It is because those people in the civil sciences have no value, so they will catch the "Sad" and make a fuss!

And those people in the civil sciences, really regard He Xi as a spiritual idol?

Maybe there are, but people who truly regard He Xi as a spiritual idol will not speak out, let alone claim that He Xi is contemporary.

All is more attributable to interests.

Let me ask, if "The Heartbreaker" is not so popular, will these people come out and say it?

Certainly not, because if you are not popular, it means that no one is paying attention, which means that they curse instead to promote the movie.

In fact, to put it plainly, for Chen Hang, for Wang Yifan, for "The Sadness", it was the people who picked out the folk sciences, and those who came out were the trouble.

Because these people are indeed a realistic portrayal of the so-called "bad effects" brought about by movies.

Instead, Zhang Zhou and these people jumped out, and it seemed that they were cursing, but in fact, when these people jumped out, the nature of the matter changed.

The result is indeed the case!

The former folklorists and contemporary He Xi did cause a lot of trouble to the movie.

And those who supported would not speak because of these people, but when Zhang Zhou and these people came out, it was different.

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